Acting Secretary of State Loomis to Chargé Coolidge.
Washington, January 14, 1905.
Mr. Coolidge is informed that the Russian Government declares that China persistently violates obligations of neutrality. The Russian Government cites alleged enlistment of hoonhoozes (Hunghutses) by Japanese, Japanese instructors preparing Chinese army, use of Miao-Dao Islands by Japan, exportations of contraband from Chefoo into Dalny, the furnishing of cast iron to Japan by Hanian (Hanyang) government shops; and alleges that China is making serious preparations to take part in military operations. The Department instructs Mr. Coolidge to advise Chinese foreign office that this government earnestly hopes China will scrupulously observe neutral obligations, any departure from which would seriously embarrass not only China, but also the powers interested in limiting the area of hostilities.