Chargé Coolidge to the Secretary of State.
Peking, March 8, 1905.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 868, of January 6, transmitting copies of correspondence between the Chinese minister in Washington and the Department of State, with regard to the expressed intention of the Imperial Chinese Government to annul the concession of the American China Development Company.
[Page 132]With regard to this I have received no further communication from the foreign office; but in an informal conversation with one of the board I gathered that they were in a very uncomfortable position, realizing the attitude of our government in the matter, but at the same time much in fear of the almost unanimous sentiment of hostility to this company in the provinces through which the line passes.
I still think it desirable that an effort should be made on the spot to impress upon Chang Chih-tung and the officials and gentry of Hupeh, Hunan, and Kwangtung the real change which has taken place in the company.
I have, etc.,