The Acting Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister.
Washington, January 6, 1905.
Sir: With reference to the information which you furnished to the Department on the 22d ultimo, regarding the decision of the Chinese Government to cancel and annul the agreements made with the American China Development Company, bearing date April 14, 1898, and July 13, 1900, I have the honor to inform you that on yesterday Secretary Hay sent a telegram to Minister Conger, saying that this government can not admit that the action contemplated by the Chinese Government can be taken in regard to a company which this government considers to be in good faith American, and concerning which this government insists that it has the sole right to deal with the Chinese Government regarding diplomatic questions affecting the company’s interests until all the parties interested in the concessions have been heard from. The minister was, accordingly, again instructed to urge strongly on the Government of China that it postpone the action contemplated until all the parties interested had been heard from, and that this is all the more imperative at the present time, inasmuch as the Department is credibly informed that the American shareholders have bought enough stock from the foreign stockholders to secure absolute control of the property.
Minister Conger was instructed to cable to the Department the result of his representations to the Chinese foreign office.
Accept, sir, etc.,