Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay.
Constantinople, August 21, 1902.
Sir: My several cables will have already explained the nature of the trouble which I have experienced during the past two weeks and the manner in which they have been adjusted.
The maintenance of the dignity of the Government of the United States and its prestige in Turkey made it impossible for me to avoid the issue, for, while the immediate questions involved were of trifling importance, the principles involved were of a character that could not be overlooked, as I found myself completely blocked, the minister for foreign affairs being unable to put into execution the different questions that had been settled, owing to conflicting orders of the grand vizier, who on four successive occasions had declined to see me. Under these conditions it appeared useless to me to attempt to proceed further through the ordinary channels, and I could see no other way but to appeal the matter to His Imperial Majesty and assume the position that until such time as the questions which had been finally settled with the foreign office were put into execution and proper explanation made that I could have no particular relations with the Sublime Forte.
[Page 1047]Although His Imperial Majesty avoided an unpleasant personal interview, he has treated the entire matter in the most gracious and considerate manner, appealing to me on personal grounds to overlook the matter and arrange an amicable settlement, and besides giving me the assurance that the difficulty would be promptly adjusted. He intimated his intention to establish a commission, with a view to adjust if possible the troublesome questions of naturalized American citizens of Ottoman origin who returned to their native land, who, according to the Ottoman laws, have never ceased to be Turkish subjects, and also the emigration of the immediate families of naturalized American citizens of Ottoman origin whose husbands and fathers are permanently established in the United States.
Now that the immediate troubles have been arranged, I have little doubt but that the Sultan will send for me to come and see him within the next week or ten days, as my personal relations with His Imperial Majesty are most friendly.
Trusting that my actions will meet with your approval, I have, etc.,