Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay.
Constantinople, August 21, 1902.
(Mr. Leishman reports that, the Sultan having sent his secretary begging Mr. Leishman to overlook the discourtesy of the grand vizier, and at the same time giving assurance that the questions immediately at issue would all be settled, and that His Imperial Majesty had sent the most emphatic instructions to the grand vizier to receive Mr. Leishman at all times in a manner befitting the dignity of the representative of a great power, he has consented to resume ordinary relations.
Having been forced to assume a strong position, Mr. Leishman regrets that the settlement was not based upon broader principles, but states that the action taken will undoubtedly have a good effect; that in view of wishes expressed in the Department’s cabled instructions, he deemed it wise to close the affair on an honorable basis and to avoid even the possibility of strained relations.)