- Complaints of alleged violation at Pacific coast ports of consular
convention of February 23, 1853, between the United States and
France. (Documents 341–363)
- Passports—attitude of Department on question of declaration of intention
to return to the United States within a stipulated period. (Documents 364–365)
- Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. (Document 366)
- Dedication of monument to Marshal de Rochambeau at Washington. (Documents 367–369)
- Assistance rendered by the United States to the sufferers from the
volcanic eruption at Martinique. (Documents 370–380)
- Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. (Document 381)
- Protection of French cable in Haiti by United States officials. (Documents 382–383)
- Amendatory and additional agreement to the commercial agreement of May 28,
1898. (Document 384)
- Accident to President Roosevelt. (Documents 385–386)
- Jews in Roumania—discriminations against, condition of helplessness to
which they are reduced, and objection of United States Government to
immigration of such persons. (Document 387)
- Passport erroneously issued to G. L. Rosenbaum without proof of his
father’s naturalization—special passports not to be issued by diplomatic
representatives abroad. (Document 388)