Mr. Hay to Mr. Reid.
Washington, March 18, 1902.
Sir: The President having determined upon the appointment of a special embassy to represent the Government of the United States at [Page 499] the ceremonies which are to take place at London on June 26 next, incident upon the coronation of His Majesty Edward VII, King of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, and Emperor of India, and you having indicated your acceptance of the same, I inclose herewith your commission” as ambassador extraordinary of the United States on special mission for that purpose, and a lettera (with office copy) accrediting you to His Britannic Majesty in that capacity.
I also inclose a lettera of congratulation (with office copy) addressed by the President to His Majesty upon the occasion.
The office copies of the two letters you will forward to the minister for foreign affairs and deliver the originals in whatever manner may be most agreeable to His Majesty.
Your assistants on this special mission will be Maj. Gen. James H. Wilson, U. S. Army, as the representative of the War Department, and Capt. Charles E. Clark, of the U. S. Navy, as representative of the Navy Department.
Messrs. J. Pierpont Morgan, jr., of New York; Edmund Lincoln Baylies, of New York, and William Wetmore, of Rhode Island, will each attend in the character of secretary and attaché.
The President has directed that the actual and necessary expenses of the special embassy shall be borne by this Department, not in excess of the sum of $10,000. Such expenses within this amount as shall be incurred by you will be reimbursed upon receipt of your account therefor or upon your personal certificate.
Upon your arrival at London you may freely consult with His Excellency Joseph H. Choate, the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the United States there, who will be able to fully advise you and will cheerfully render you all proper and necessary assistance and cooperation.
I am, etc.,