Lord Pauncefote to Mr. Hay.

No. 8.]

Sir: I have the honor, by direction of the Marquis of Lansdowne, to transmit to you herewith a copy of a proclamation by the King, my august sovereign, in which the date of His Majesty’s coronation is fixed for June 26 next.

I have, etc.,


[Supplement to the London Gazette of Tuesday, the 10th of December—Published by authority—Tuesday, December 10, 1901.]

By the King.


For appointing a day for the celebration of the solemnity of the coronation of Their Majesties.

Edward, R. I.:

Whereas by our royal proclamation, bearing date the 26th day of June last, we did (among other things) publish and declare our royal intention, to celebrate the solemnity of our royal coronation and of the coronation of our dearly beloved consort the Queen, upon a day of June next to be thereafter determined, at our palace at Westminster; and whereas we have resolved, Joy the favor and blessing of Almighty God, to celebrate the said solemnity upon Thursday, the 26th day of June next, we do, by this our royal proclamation, give notice thereof, and we do hereby strictly charge and commend all our loving subjects whom it may concern, that all persons, of what rank or quality soever they be, who either upon our letters to them directed or by reason of their offices and tenures, or otherwise, are to do any service at the time of our coronation do duly give their attendance at the said solemnity on Thursday, the 26th day of June next, in all respects furnished and appointed as to so great a solemnity appertaineth, and answerable to the dignities and places which every one of them respectively holdeth and enjoyeth, and of this they or any of them are not to fail, as they will answer the contrary at their perils, unless upon special reasons by ourself, under our hand to be allowed, we shall dispense with any of their services or attendances:

Provided always, and we do further by this our royal proclamation signify and declare that nothing herein contained shall be construed to change or alter our royal determination as more fully declared in our royal proclamation bearing date the 26th day of June last, whereby we did signify it to be our royal will and pleasure upon the occasion of this our coronation to dispense with that part of the ceremonial which heretofore took place in Westminster Hall and that part thereof which consisted of the procession.

Given at our court at St. James’s this 10th day of December, A. D. 1901, and in the first year of our reign.

God save the King.