Mr. Finch to Mr. Hay.

No. 570.]

Sir: I inclose copy and translation of a communication from the foreign office of Paraguay, dated August 12, 1902, inclosing a decree of the acting President recognizing United States consuls in that Republic as representatives of Cuba and Cuban citizens and interests until Cuban consuls shall have been appointed.

I also inclose copy of my response, dated the 26th instant, also copy of my communication to Consul John N. Ruffin, at Asuncion, notifying him that he is authorized to use his “good offices in the interest of Cuba and Cuban citizens until Cuban consuls shall have been appointed or until otherwise instructed.”


William R. Finch.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

Mr. Fleytas to Mr. Finch.

Mr. Minister: I have had the honor to receive your excellency’s note, dated the 26th of May last, expressing that at the request of the President of Cuba the honorable Secretary of State at Washington had instructed your excellency to solicit from my Government the recognition of the consuls of the United States in this country to represent the interests of Cuba until Cuban consuls shall have been appointed.

In response, I have the pleasure to say to you, Mr. Minister, that in accordance with the promise communicated to you in the telegram of June 9 last, by decree of this date, an authentic copy of which is inclosed, the President of the Republic has been pleased to recognize the North American consul in Asuncion as the representative of Cuban interests in Paraguay, as I already had the satisfaction to make known to your excellency in my telegram of to-day.

I avail myself, etc.,

E. Fleytas.

In view of the note of the North American legation, dated the 26th of May last, expressing that at the request of the President of Cuba the foreign office of its country solicits that the North American consul in this country may represent the interests of Cuba and of its citizens until consuls of that nation shall have been appointed, The Vice-President of the Republic, in the exercise of the Executive power, decrees:

  • Article 1. The North American consul in Asuncion is recognized as the representative of the interests of the Cuban Republic, in accordance with the expressed request of the North American legation.
  • Art. 2. Communicate, publish, and give to the Official Register.

  • Carvallo.
  • E. Fleytas.

It is a copy of the original:

  • Cletodo J. Sanchez,
[Page 1057]
[Inclosure 2.]

Mr. Finch to Mr. Fleytas.

Sir: I take pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your excellency’s communication dated the 12th instant, in response to mine of the 26th of May last, in which you inclose authenticated copy of a decree of the President of Paraguay recognizing the United States consuls in your Republic as representatives of Cuban interests and citizens until that country shall appoint Cuban consuls.

I will state for the information of your excellency that no telegram was received at this legation on the 12th instant, or at any other date, referring to this action on the part of the President of Paraguay.

Copy and translation of your excellency’s communication and the decree which you were pleased to inclose will be sent to the Department of State at Washington.

I have, etc.,

William R. Finch.
[Inclosure 3.]

Mr. Finch to Mr. Ruffin.

Dear Sir: Paraguay having consented in a decree issued by the President of that Republic dated the 12th instant, you are authorized, in addition to your duties as United States consul, to use your good offices in the interest of Cuba and its citizens until Cuban consuls shall have been appointed, or until otherwise instructed. Very truly, yours,

William R. Finch.