Mr. Williams to Mr. Uhl.
Habana, November 22, 1895.
Sir: Mr. Miguel Viondi, advocate of Mr. Julio Sanguily, asks me for a copy of the communication dated September 6 last from General Campos in relation to the charge of kidnaping against his client, and which I had the honor to inclose in my dispatch No. 2586 of the 11th of said month. As the General mentions therein that Portela was released because of his innocence having been proved, and the charge against Sanguily being the same as that of the former, Mr. Viondi deems it convenient to acquaint the judge in the case with this fact in order that he may appreciate the opinion of the General Government in the matter and for the interest of his defendant.
I therefore beg permission of the Department to comply with Mr. Viondi’s request.
I am, etc.,