Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 7, 1896, and the Annual Report of the Secretary of State

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 7, 1896, and the Annual Report of the Secretary of State
United States Government Printing Office
- List of papers, with subjects of correspondence
- Message of the President
- Report of the Secretary of State
- Argentine Republic
Correspondence (Documents 1–2)- Visit of American manufacturers (Documents 1–2)
- Visit of American manufacturers (Documents 1–2)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 3–9)
- Military service—case of Bernhard Winter (Documents 3–4)
- Military service—case of Ladislao Sedivï (Documents 5–6)
- Citizenship—status of the foreign-born sons of a naturalized
citizen (Documents 7–8)
- Military service—case of Franz Holasek (Document 9)
- Military service—case of Bernhard Winter (Documents 3–4)
- Belgium (Documents 10–13)
- Prohibition of American cattle (Documents 10–13)
- Prohibition of American cattle (Documents 10–13)
- Chile (Documents 14–21)
- Treaty of peace and amity between Chile and Bolivia (Document 14)
- Agreement for the settlement of the boundary controversy between Chile and
the Argentine Republic (Document 15)
- Exemption from military service of children born in Chile of American
parents (Documents 16–17)
- Arbitration of British claims growing out of civil war (Documents 18–19)
- Settlement of French claims (Document 20)
- Bill regulating foreign insurance companies (Document 21)
- Treaty of peace and amity between Chile and Bolivia (Document 14)
- China (Documents 22–73)
- Settlement of claims growing out of the Szechuan riots (Documents 22–35)
- Prevention of Antiforeign Riots. (Documents 36–40)
- Kutien riots—punishment of officials and indemnity to Miss Hartford (Documents 41–44)
- Antimissionary riot at Kiangyin (Documents 45–55)
- Missionary troubles at Hunan (Documents 56–58)
- Repeal of antichristian causes of Chinese code (Document 59)
- Registration of American citizens (Documents 60–61)
- Status of declarants of intention to become United States citizens (Documents 62–63)
- Visit of Li Hung Chang (Documents 64–70)
- Taxation of goods manufactured by foreigners in China (Documents 71–72)
- Opening of ports (Document 73)
- Settlement of claims growing out of the Szechuan riots (Documents 22–35)
- Costa Rica (Documents 74–75)
- Arbitration of the boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Documents 74–75)
- Arbitration of the boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Documents 74–75)
- Ecuador (Documents 76–87)
- Arbitration of the claim of Julio R. Santos (Documents 76–84)
- Asylum (Documents 85–87)
- Arbitration of the claim of Julio R. Santos (Documents 76–84)
- France (Documents 88–114)
- Application of antilottery law to newspapers containing lists of drawings
of the loans of Paris (Documents 88–89)
- French possession of Madagascar (Documents 90–108)
- Prohibition of the importation of French cattle into the United
States (Documents 109–112)
- Anglo-French agreement as to Siam (Document 113)
- Admission of foreigners to French medical schools (Document 114)
- Application of antilottery law to newspapers containing lists of drawings
of the loans of Paris (Documents 88–89)
- Germany (Documents 115–169)
- Revocation of proclamation suspending collection of tonnage and other dues
upon vessels from German ports (Documents 115–127)
- Prohibition of the importation of American cattle (Documents 128–132)
- Applicability of the Bancroft treaties to Alsace-Lorraine (Documents 133–135)
- Exclusion of American life insurance companies (Documents 136–148)
- Case of an insane and destitute German seaman left at a United States
port (Documents 149–157)
- Duty on German salt (Documents 158–159)
- Military service cases (Documents 160–163)
- Return of naturalized Americans of German birth to Germany (Documents 164–165)
- Citizenship case of Paul Rosenheim (Documents 166–168)
- Expatriation (Document 169)
- Affairs in Samoa. (See Samoa.)
- Revocation of proclamation suspending collection of tonnage and other dues
upon vessels from German ports (Documents 115–127)
- Great Britain (Documents 170–285)
- Adjustment of disputes between the United States and Great Britain by
arbitration (Documents 170–174)
- Venezuela-Guiana boundary controversy (Documents 175–184)
- Protection of the fur seal (Documents 185–214)
- Bering Sea Claims Commission (Documents 215–217)
- Proposed extension of Paris award to all waters of the Pacific north of
latitude 35° north (Documents 218–221)
- Delimitation of the one hundred and forty-first meridian between Alaska
and British Canadian territories (Documents 222–227)
- Protection to cattlemen (Documents 228–236)
- Indemnity to James Bain (Documents 237–240)
- Violation of the United States immigration laws by the placing of
stowaways on the crew list of the British steamship Cuban (Documents 241–246)
- Settlement of British claims arising out of disturbances in the Mosquito
Reserve (Document 247)
- Fires on board cotton ships (Documents 248–250)
- Restrictions on American live cattle in British ports (Documents 251–281)
- Reciprocity in maritime charges (Documents 282–283)
- Navigation on the Great Lakes (Documents 284–285)
- Affairs in Samoa. (See Samoa.)
- Protection of American citizens in the Transvaal. (See South African Republic.)
- Adjustment of disputes between the United States and Great Britain by
arbitration (Documents 170–174)
- Greater Republic of Central America (Documents 286–293)
- Recognition of the political union of Honduras, Nicaragua, and
Salvador (Documents 286–290)
- Arbitration of the boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Documents 291–292)
- Nicaraguan Canal (Document 293)
- Recognition of the political union of Honduras, Nicaragua, and
Salvador (Documents 286–290)
- Guatemala (Documents 294–299)
- Protection to Chinese subjects (Documents 294–298)
- Banishment of J. H. Hollander removed (Document 299)
- Protection to Chinese subjects (Documents 294–298)
- Haiti (Documents 300–306)
- Asylum to a political refugee (Documents 300–301)
- Expulsion of Hugo Loewi (Documents 302–306)
- Asylum to a political refugee (Documents 300–301)
- Hawaii (Documents 307–309)
- Naturalization of aliens (Documents 307–308)
- Pardon to ex-Queen Liliuokalani (Document 309)
- Naturalization of aliens (Documents 307–308)
- Honduras (Documents 310–313)
- Political union of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador (Documents 310–313)
- Political union of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador (Documents 310–313)
- Italy (Documents 314–341)
- Lynching of Italians at Hahnville, La (Documents 314–334)
- Military service—case of Vittorio Gardella (Documents 335–340)
- Indemnity to heirs of Italian subjects killed at Walsenburg, Colo (Document 341)
- Lynching of Italians at Hahnville, La (Documents 314–334)
- Japan (Documents 342–348)
- Reciprocal protection of patents, trade-marks, and designs (Documents 342–348)
- Reciprocal protection of patents, trade-marks, and designs (Documents 342–348)
- Mexico (Documents 349–356)
- Agreement for the reciprocal right to pursue savage Indians across
boundary line (Document 349)
- Arrest of Jesus Garcia while his body was partly on American and partly on
Mexican territory (Documents 350–354)
- Punishment of Chester W. Rowe (Documents 355–356)
- Agreement for the reciprocal right to pursue savage Indians across
boundary line (Document 349)
- Nicaragua and Salvador (Documents 357–366)
- Political union of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador (Documents 357–366)
- Political union of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador (Documents 357–366)
- Persia (Documents 367–386)
- Protection to missionaries on the Persian border (Documents 367–382)
- Assassination of the Shah (Documents 383–386)
- Protection to missionaries on the Persian border (Documents 367–382)
- Peru (Documents 387–389)
- Settlement of the claims of the Hydrographic Commission of the Amazon (Documents 387–389)
- Settlement of the claims of the Hydrographic Commission of the Amazon (Documents 387–389)
- Russia (Documents 390–421)
- Arrest of American sealers on Robben Island (Documents 390–403)
- Release of Anton Yablkowski, who was arrested for becoming an American
citizen without permission of the Russian Government (Documents 404–405)
- Banishment of John Ginzberg (Documents 406–408)
- Citizenship of Simon Behrman, who, never having been in the United States,
claims citizenship through his father’s naturalization (Documents 409–410)
- Indorsement on a United States passport by a Russian consul (Documents 411–412)
- Refusal to furnish to a Russian court a statement of the evidence upon
which a United States passport was issued (Documents 413–414)
- Arrest of Henry Topor for becoming a citizen of the United States without
the permission of Russia (Documents 415–420)
- Right of foreigners to own real estate and do business in Russia (Document 421)
- Arrest of American sealers on Robben Island (Documents 390–403)
- Samoa (Documents 422–449)
- Correspondence with the embassy of Germany at Washington (Documents 422–441)
- Correspondence with the embassy of Great Britain at Washington (Documents 442–449)
- Correspondence with the embassy of Germany at Washington (Documents 422–441)
- South African Republic (Documents 450–503)
- Protection to American citizens in the Transvaal (Documents 450–503)
- Protection to American citizens in the Transvaal (Documents 450–503)
- Spain (Documents 504–787)
- Maltreatment of José M. Delgado (Documents 504–521)
- Trial of American citizens arrested in Cuba (Documents 522–554)
- Case of Oscar Cespedes (Documents 555–566)
- Expropriation of property of United States citizens for military
use (Documents 567–572)
- Destruction of American property (Documents 573–579)
- Registration of Americans (Documents 580–586)
- Prohibition of exportation of leaf tobacco (Documents 587–613)
- Assessment on American property by insurgents (Documents 614–615)
- Firing on the American schooner William Todd (Documents 616–621)
- Withdrawal of protection to an American plantation (Documents 622–623)
- Protection of the property of the Juragua Iron Company (Documents 624–625)
- Killing of Charles Govin by Spanish soldiers (Documents 626–639)
- List of claims against Spain growing out of the insurrection in Cuba filed
in the Department of State prior to January 22, 1897 (Document 639a)
- Seizure of the Competitor and trial of Americans
found on board thereof (Documents 640–696)
- Citizens of the United States arrested in Cuba (Documents 697–698)
- Arrest, imprisonment, etc., of Julio Sanguily (Documents 699–785)
- Killing of Segundo N. Lopez by Spanish soldiers (Documents 786–787)
- Maltreatment of José M. Delgado (Documents 504–521)
- Turkey (Documents 788–896)
- Protection to American missionaries (Documents 788–828)
- Missionary claims for losses at Harpoot and Marash (Documents 829–855)
- Case of the Rev. George Knapp (Documents 856–870)
- Imprisonment of Americans at Aleppo (Documents 871–883)
- Emigration of families of naturalized Americans (Documents 884–887)
- Inspection of foreign vessels in Turkish ports and prevention of
revolutionary publications in the United States (Documents 888–892)
- Naturalization treaty of 1874 (Documents 893–895)
- Irade regarding Armenian emigration (Document 896)
- Protection to American missionaries (Documents 788–828)
- Index