Mr. Olney to Lord Gough.
Washington, October 5, 1896.
My Lord: Referring to previous correspondence concerning the fine of $300 imposed on the master of the British steamship Cuban for a violation of the immigration laws of the United States, and with reference particularly to your note of the 27th of August last, suggesting that the regulations in regard to stowaways adopted at New York be extended to New Orleans, I have the honor to inform you that the Department has received a letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, dated the 28th ultimo, stating that the number of immigrants of the prohibited classes entering New Orleans is too small to warrant an establishment similar to that maintained at New York.
Mr. Curtis also states that the detention of immigrants is at the expense of the steamship companies, and at the smaller ports the masters of vessels may remand to the custody of the local police authorities persons whom immigration inspectors designate as of the prohibited classes, to be held at the expense of the vessel until it departs.
I have, etc.,