Lord Gough to Mr. Rockhill.
Newport, R. I., August 27, 1896.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note, No. 462, of the 24th instant, informing me of the decision of the United States Treasury to enforce the fine of $300 imposed on the master of [Page 307] steamship Cuban on a charge of violation of the immigration laws, and also informing me that an appeal has been asked by the Immigration Bureau from the decision in the United States v. Sandrey (48 Fed. Rep., 552, 553), which decision has not been acquiesced in by the United States Treasury.
Her Majesty’s ambassador, in his note to Mr. Olney of the 26th ultimo, expressed the hope that a recurrence of such cases might be avoided by the adoption at New Orleans of the practice followed at New York in regard to stowaways, and I observe from the last paragraph of your note that the local authorities of various ports already provide the facilities usual at New York, though apparently neither the Federal nor the State authorities of New Orleans have yet adopted the practice in question.
In the confidence that the Treasury Department will have no objection to extending to New Orleans, if this has not yet been done, the facilities in this respect already provided at the other ports alluded to,
I have, etc.,