Mr. Gana to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, November 15, 1894. (Received November 15.)
Sir: I duly transmitted to my Government the contents of the communication which your excellency did me the honor to address to me under date of the 9th of July last.
In reply, the minister of foreign relations informs me that there has doubtless been a misunderstanding in the reports transmitted to your excellency with regard to the willingness of the Government of Chile [Page 93] to settle, by means of a new commission, the reciprocal claims which the former commission left undecided.
The minister adds that neither in the correspondence of the Government of Chile with the United States chargé d’affaires, nor on any occasion subsequent to the conclusion of the convention of August 7, 1892, has that Government consented to the organization at Washington of a new tribunal of arbitration for the purpose mentioned.
The minister sends me, at the same time, a copy of the correspondence had on this subject with the American legation at Santiago, from which, as your excellency may see by the accompanying documents,1 the sense in which it seems to have been understood by the United States representative in Chile is in no wise deducible.
I avail, etc.,