- Abduction of Constance Madeleine His 646
- Acting consuls, judicial functions discharged by, in China 139
- Admeasurement of vessels, Austria-Hungary 48
- Belgium 52
- France 215
- Sweden and Norway 636
- Aga Jan Khan, murder of, Persia 507
- Aivazian, Mr., and Mrs. Toprahanian, cases of, Turkey 765
- Alexander III, death of 558
- Alien contract labor cases, Spain 611
- American cattle, prohibition of, Belgium 50
- Denmark 205
- Germany 230
- citizens committing offenses in Turkey, case of Dr. Franklin 713
- in Bulgaria, good offices to, by British consular officers 247
- corned beef, prohibition of, Germany 228
- domiciliary rights and religious persecution at Hamadan 492
- hog products, burdens on exportation, Germany 226
- interests in the Transvaal 252
- physicians in Great Britain 280
- ports, discriminating tonnage and cargo dues imposed on Mexican vessels 397
- schools, impediments in the way of, Turkey 702
- protection to Turkish subjects teaching in 740
- schooner Henry Crosby, attack on, in Dominican Republic 207
- Americans, naturalized, of Turkish origin, status and treatment of, in
Turkey 752
- right to acquire real estate in Russia 539
- Amnesty to political offenders, Chile 94
- Apt, Siegfried, military duty, Germany 242
- Arbitration, Colombian and Venezuelan boundary 200
- Argall, H., arrest of, Guatemala 312
- Argentine Republic, certificates of nationality (papeletas) 18
- Armenians, alleged cruelties committed upon, in Turkey 714
- Arms, alleged request of Armenians for, from United States Government 725
- Army service, United States citizens, Austria-Hungary 21
- Arrest of H. Argall, Guatemala 312
- Assassination of President Carnot 219
- Assault on Miss Melton, Turkey 688
- Attack on American schooner Henry Crosby Dominican Republic 207
- Austria-Hungary, admeasurement of vessels 48
- Baldwin claim, Mexico 418
- Banco Vela discussion 391
- Barnharts and Imboden, arrest of, Honduras 302
- Beef, American corned, prohibition of, Germany 228
- Belgium, admeasurement of vessels 52
- prohibition of American cattle 50
- Benich, John, validity of passport 36
- Bolivar, steamer, detention of, and closing of the Macareo and other bayous of the Orinoco River to foreign commerce 785
- Bolivia, promotion of Major Fortun 54
- Boundary arbitration, Colombia and Venezuela 200
- Braida, consul, Nicaragua, exequatur withdrawn 477
- Brazil, American wheat flour, expediente charges 73
- diplomatic relations with Portugal suspended 513
- election of President 85
- exequatur, refusal of (Reuben Cleary) 83
- expediente charges, refund of 73
- Fourth of July celebration 85
- Levering & Co., refund of expediente charges 74
- Prudente de Moraes elected President 85
- reciprocity arrangement 77
- restrictions on cipher telegrams 63
- revolt of the navy 57
- suspension of diplomatic relations with Portugal 64
- transportation of coolies to 136
- Victorino Pereira elected Vice-President 85
- Brazilian citizens protected in Portugal 513
- revolt 275
- British consular representation in Bulgaria 247
- Brück, Peter, military duty, Germany 241
- Bulgaria, British consular representation 247
- good offices to American citizens in, by British consular officers 247
- Canal, Nicaraguan 460
- Carl, Conrad, military duty, Germany 242
- Carnot, President, assassination 219
- Caroline Islands, return of missionaries and indemnity to 590
- Cattle, American, prohibition, Belgium 50
- Denmark 205
- Germany 230
- Celebration of Fourth of July, Brazil 85
- Ceremonial announcements, Honduras 302
- Certificate naturalization, validity of, Austria-Hungary 26
- Certificates of citizenship, Haiti 346
- nationality—papeletas, Argentine Republic 18
- Chamberlin, Prof. T. S. visit to Greenland 202
- Chicago Exposition and Colombia 196
- Chile, amnesty to political offenders 94
- United States and Chilean claims 87
- China, acquisition of mission site in Hainan 143
- antiforeign placards 150
- citizenship 138
- exemption of merchant shipping from attack 169
- friendly offices to Japanese in, by United States representatives 95
- imitation of trade-marks 134
- judicial functions discharged by acting consuls 139
- proposed regulations for foreigners traveling in 152
- protection of foreigners 127
- registration of Chinese in the United States 160
- China, suburban residence of missionaries 141
- Chinamen, prevention of escape in Oregon 257
- Chinese, friendly offices to, of United States representatives, Japan 372
- Choctaw Reservation, removal of British subjects from 249
- Cholera, closure of Colombian ports 197
- Cigar makers, Spanish, at Key West, attack upon 617
- Citizenship, American, Mexico, August Huguet 411
- Civil suits in Japan, consular jurisdiction over, case of George W. Lake 376
- Claim, Baldwin, Mexico 418
- Claims assigned by Persian subjects to foreigners 484
- United States and Chilian 87
- Cleary, Reuben, exequatur refused, Brazil 83
- Closing of the Macareo and other bayous of the Orinoco River to foreign commerce and detention of steamer Bolivar 783
- Closure of Colombian ports during cholera 197
- Cohen Max, military duty, Germany 242
- College, Marsovan, Turkey 739
- Collisions at sea 47, 217, 260
- Colombia and Chicago Exposition 196
- Costa Rica, boundary 180, 193
- France, convention regarding aliens, commerce, and navigation 200
- Great Britain, Sabanilla Bay 200
- Nicaragua, boundary between 439
- United States, commercial reciprocity between 198
- Venezuela, boundary award, execution 200
- free navigation of the Orinoco 200
- commercial reciprocity with United States 198
- cholera, closure of ports 197
- contract with Alexander Weckbecker 195
- convention with France on commerce and navigation 200
- death of President Nuñez 192
- international relations 192
- nationality of Pérez Triana 195
- navigation of the river Orinoco 200
- rights over Roncador and Quitasueño 197
- Commercial agreements with West Indies 289
- Consul Braida’s exequatur withdrawn 477
- Consular jurisdiction over civil suits in Japan, case of George W. Lake 376
- Consuls, acting, judicial functions discharged by, in China 139
- Constance Madeleine His, abduction 646
- Contraband trade, Haiti 350
- Contract labor cases alien, Spain 611
- Contributions, forced, Nicaragua 451
- Convention between France and Colombia regarding, aliens, commerce and navigation 200
- Liberia 225
- Cook, Dr. F. A., visit to Greenland 202
- Coolies, transportation of, to Brazil 136
- Copyright act, Greece and United States 291
- international, Argentine Republic 1
- Corned beef, American, prohibition of, Germany 228
- Costa Rica and Colombia boundary 180, 193
- Cruelties, alleged, committed upon Armenians in Turkey 714
- Fines for clerical errors in manifests 577
- Death of President Nuñez, Colombia 192
- Decree governing foreigners, Venezuela 802
- Delivery of political refugees on foreign merchant ships, Guatemala and Honduras 296
- Delzoppo, extradition 369
- Demarcation of boundary, Mexico 411
- Denmark, Greenland, visitors to 202
- prohibition of American cattle, Denmark 205
- Departure from Haiti of foreigners, regulations for 347
- Detention of steamer Bolivar and closing of the Macareo and other bayous of the Orinoco River to foreign commerce 783
- Diplomatic officers, authority to celebrate marriages in Nicaragua 447
- Discriminating duties, Haiti 335
- Domiciliary rights of Americans, and religious persecution at Hamadan 492
- Dominican Republic, attack on American schooner Henry Crosby 207
- exemption from tonnage dues 212
- Dues, cargo and tonnage, discriminating, imposed on Mexican vessels in American ports 397
- Duties, discriminating, Haiti 335
- Duty, additional on German sugar 234
- Dunham, W., ex-consular agent, claim against of Ernst Oechsle 27
- Egypt, mixed tribunals, Persian representatives in 508
- Emigration of Israelites from Russia to United States 525
- treaty with China 176
- Emperor of Russia, death of 558
- Entrance into Haiti of foreigners, regulations for 347
- Estates, settlement of by consular officers, Italy 366
- Exemption from tonnage dues, Dominican Republic 212
- of merchant shipping from attack, China 169
- Exequatur, refusal of, Brazil (Reuben Cleary) 83
- withdrawal of Consul Braida’s 477
- Exile to Siberia, Stanislaus C. Krzeminski 541
- Expatriation of William Hess 557
- Expediente charges, refund, Brazil 73
- Exportation of American hog products, burdens on, Germany 226
- Exposition, Chicago, and Colombia 196
- Expulsion for evasion of military duty, Austria-Hungary 30
- of foreigners, Haiti 343
- Extradition and naturalization convention, proposed, Italy 361
- Ezeta, General, extradition 563
- Financial situation, Nicaragua 448
- Fines for clerical errors in manifests, Spain (Cuba) 577
- Fisheries, salmon, protection, British Columbia 259
- Flour, American wheat, expediente charges, Brazil 73
- Forced contributions, Nicaragua 451
- Foreign residents, rights of, Nicaragua 433
- Foreigners, assignment of claims to, by Persian subjects 484
- and natives, discriminating taxation between, Haiti 347
- Foreigners, entrance into and departure from Haiti of, regulations 347
- Fortún, Major Romulo, promotion of, Bolivia 54
- Fourth of July, celebration, Brazil 85
- France, admeasurement of vessels 215
- Franklin, Dr., punishment of American citizens committing offenses in Turkey 713
- Free reentry of cattle into United States from Mexico 415
- Friendly offices to Chinese in Japan by United States representatives 372
- Japanese in China by United States representatives 95
- German salt, tax 240
- sugar, additional duty 234
- Germany, burdens on exportation of American hog products 226
- Gerstner, Christian J., military duty, Germany 242
- Good offices by British consular representatives in Bulgaria to American
citizens 247
- of United States representatives in behalf of Chinese in Guatemala 331
- Great Britain, American interests in the Transvaal 252
- physicians 280
- and Colombia, Sabanilla Bay 200
- Brazilian revolt 275
- British Guiana and the Venezuelan boundary 250, 803
- Chinamen, prevention of escape in Oregon 257
- Choctaw Reservation, removal of British subjects from 249
- claim of Oakes and Foster against 287
- William Webster against 287
- collisions at sea 260
- commercial agreements with West Indies 289
- consular representation in Bulgaria 247
- protection of salmon fisheries, British Columbia 259
- salvage in West India Islands 284
- tonnage dues in Grenada 288
- vessels carrying troops 289
- Greece, international copyright act, United States 291
- trade-mark convention 293
- Greenland, visitors to 202
- Grenada, tonnage dues 288
- Guatemala and Honduras, delivery of political refugees on United States vessels 296
- Guatemala jurisdiction, local, over foreign merchant ships, Guatemala and Honduras 296
- Guiana, British, and Venezuelan boundary 250, 803
- Hainan, acquisition of mission site in 143
- Haiti, certificates of citizenship 346
- Hamadan, religious persecution at, and domiciliary rights of Americans 492
- Hawaiian Republic, recognition of 358
- Henry Crosby, American schooner, attack on, in Dominican Republic 207
- Hess, Julius, passport, Germany 245
- Hidalgo & Co., agents Ward Line (fines) 577
- Hofman, David, expulsion of for evasion of military duty 30
- Honduras and Guatemala, delivery of political refugees on United States vessels 296
- Honduras, arrest of Imboden and Barnharts 302
- H. J. Stebbs 309
- United States citizens 302
- Huguet, August, American citizenship, Mexico 411
- Imboden and Barnharts, arrest of, Honduras 302
- Imitation of trade-marks, China 134
- Immigrants, Italian, protection 367
- Indemnity to and return of the Caroline Islands missionaries 590
- International copyright act, Greece and United States 291
- Argentine Republic 1
- relations of Colombia 192
- Inventions, patents for Germany 243
- Irrigation, use of Rio Grande 397
- Israelites in Russia, condition 525
- emigration to United States 525
- Italian immigrants, protection 367
- Italy, convention, naturalization and extradition, proposed 361
- Japan, consular jurisdiction of civil suits, case of George W. Lake 376
- friendly offices to Chinese in, by United States representatives 372
- Japanese, friendly offices to, by United States representatives, China 95
- Jews, restrictions imposed on, Turkey 750
- Judicial functions discharged by acting consuls in China 139
- Jurisdiction, consular, over civil suits in Japan, case of George W. Lake
- local, over foreign merchant ships, Guatemala and Honduras 296
- Kanjorski, Peter, military duty, Germany 242
- Kermanshah, establishment of missionary school forbidden 486
- Kern, Captain, validity of naturalization certificates, Austria-Hungary 26
- Key West, attack upon Spanish cigar makers 617
- Krzeminski, Stanislaus C., condemned to Siberian exile 541
- Labor cases, alien contract, Spain 611
- Lake, George W., case of, Japan 376
- Lawrence, Mrs. Lester, citizenship, China 138
- Levering & Co., refund of expediente charges, Brazil 74
- Liberia and France, convention between 225
- Lottery, Honduras 315
- Luxemburg, passport, A. H. Mausbach 244
- Manifests, fines for clerical errors in, Spain (Cuba) 577
- Marriages in Nicaragua, authority of diplomatic officers to celebrate 447
- Marsovan College, Turkey 739
- Mausbach, A. H., passport, Luxemburg 244
- Melton, Miss, assault on, Turkey 688
- Merchant shipping, exemption from attack, China 169
- ships, foreign, local jurisdiction over Guatemala and Honduras 296
- Mexican vessels, discriminating tonnage and cargo dues imposed on, in American ports 397
- Mexico, American citizenship; August-Huguet 411
- Banco Vela discussion 391
- Baldwin claim 418
- citizenship question 411
- demarcation of boundary 411
- discriminating tonnage and cargo dues imposed on Mexican vessels in American ports 397
- free reentry of cattle from, into United States 415
- Ochoa case 426
- recovery of strayed or stolen cattle 418
- Rio Grande, use of, for irrigation 397
- St. Louis and Zacatecas Ore Company 425
- Meyerstein Hugo, military duty, Germany 242
- Military duty, expulsion for evasion of, Austria-Hungary 30
- tax, Switzerland 678
- Minis, Mike, or Michael Minich, military duty, Austria-Hungary 21
- Mission and missionaries, Moravian protection of, in Mosquito territory
- site in Hainan, acquisition of 143
- Missionaries, indemnity to, and return of, to the Caroline Islands 590
- suburban residence of, in China 141
- Missionary school, establishment of, at Kermanshah forbidden 486
- Mix, E. W., United States citizen, arrest on suspicion, Austria-Hungary 23
- Mixed tribunals of Egypt, Persian representatives in 508
- Moraes, Prudente de, elected president of Brazil 85
- Moravian mission and missionaries, protection of, in Mosquito Territory 479
- Murder of Aga Jan Khan, Persia 507
- William Wilson, Nicaragua 465
- Nationality, certificates of (papeletas), Argentine Republic 18
- of Perez Triana 195
- Naturalization and extradition convention, proposed, Italy 361
- Naturalized Americans of Turkish origin, status and treatment in Turkey. 752
- Navy, revolt of Brazilian 57
- Neutrality, alleged violations, Haiti 337
- reported organization in New York of Armenians for military drill 726
- New York, Armenians, reported organization of, in, for military drill 726
- Nicaragua and Colombia boundary 439
- United States reciprocity arrangement 448
- Canal 460
- Consul Braida’s exequatur, withdrawn 477
- diplomatic officers, authority to celebrate marriages 447
- financial situation 448
- forced contributions 451
- mission and missionaries, Moravian, protection of, in Mosquito territory 479
- murder of William Wilson 465
- political situation 446
- reciprocity arrangement with United States 448
- relations with Honduras 434
- rights of foreign residents 433
- war with Honduras 441
- Nuñez, President, Colombia, death of 192
- Oakes and Foster, claim against Great Britain 287
- Ochoa case, Mexico 426
- Oechsle, Ernst, claim against ex-consular agent Dunham 27
- Offenses, political, amnesty for, Chile 94
- Offices, friendly, of United States representatives to Chinese in Japan 372
- Japanese in China 95
- Ore Company, St. Louis and Zacatecas, Mexico 425
- Orinoco River, closing of the Macareo and other bayous to foreign commerce
and detention of steamer Bolivar 783
- free navigation of 200
- Oteri, steamship, seizure of, Honduras 333
- Papeletas-certificates of nationality, Argentine Republic 18
- Pardee R., arrest of, Guatemala 312
- Passport, Julius Hess, Germany 245
- Passports, Germany 244
- Patents for inventions, Germany 243
- Pereira, Victorino, elected Vice-President Brazil 85
- Persia, claims assigned by Persian subjects to foreigners 484
- Persian subjects, assignment of claims to foreigners by 484
- Physicians, American, in Great Britain 280
- Placards, antiforeign, China 150
- Political offenses, amnesty for, China 94
- Ports, American, discriminating tonnage and cargo dues imposed on Mexican vessels in 397
- Ports, Colombian, closure during cholera 197
- Portugal, diplomatic relations with Brazil suspended 513
- President Carnot, assassination of 219
- of Brazil, election 85
- President of Colombia, death 192
- President’s message, 1893, in Turkey 728
- Prevention of escape of Chinamen in Oregon 257
- Prohibition of American cattle, Belgium 50
- Denmark 205
- Germany 230
- corned beef, Germany 228
- Protection of Brazilian citizens in Portugal 513
- Chinese in Guatemala 175
- foreigners, China 127
- Italian immigrants in United States 367
- Moravian mission and missionaries in Mosquito territory 479
- salmon fisheries, British Columbia 259
- to Turkish subjects teaching in American schools, Turkey 740
- Protestants in Turkey, freedom of worship 781
- Publications in foreign countries by Turkish subjects of malevolent articles against Turkey 729
- Punishment of American citizens committing offenses in Turkey, case of Dr. Franklin 713
- Quitasueño and Roncador, Colombian rights over 197
- Ratifications of naturalization treaty of 1875 between Turkey and United States, non-exchange of 780
- Real estate, rights of Americans to acquire, Russia 539
- Reciprocity arrangement between Brazil and United States 77
- Nicaragua and United States 448
- Spain and United States, publication of definitive repertory 598
- termination 618
- Guatemala and United States 332
- commercial, between Colombia and United States 198
- Italy and United States 365
- Recognition of Hawaiian Republic 358
- Reentry, free, of cattle from Mexico into the United States 415
- Refugees, political, on foreign merchant ships, delivery of, Guatemala and Honduras 296
- Refund of expediente charges, Brazil 73
- Registration of Chinese in the United States 160
- Regulations, proposed, for foreigners traveling in China 152
- Religious persecution at Hamadan and domiciliary rights of Americans 492
- Residence, suburban, of missionaries in China 141
- Residents, foreign rights of, Nicaragua 433
- Restrictions imposed on Jews, Turkey 750
- on cipher telegrams, Brazil 63
- Revolt, Honduras 298
- Rinaldi, extradition of 369
- Rio Grande, use of for irrigation 397
- Roncador and Quitasueño, Colombian rights over 197
- Russia, Alexander III, death of 558
- Sabanilla Bay 200
- St. Louis and Zacatecas Ore Company, Mexico 425
- Salmon fisheries protection, British Columbia 259
- Salt, German tax on 240
- Salvador, extradition of General Ezeta 563
- Salvage in West India Islands 282
- School, missionary establishment of, at Kermanshah forbidden 486
- Schools, American, impediments in the way of, Turkey 704
- protection to Turkish subjects, teaching in 740
- Sea, collisions 47, 217, 260
- regulations for preventing, 217
- Seferiades, Socrates A., case of Turkey 731
- Seizure of steamship Oteri, Honduras 333
- Shipping, merchant, exemption from attack, China 169
- Ships, foreign merchant, local jurisdiction over, Guatemala and Honduras 296
- Siberian exile, Stanislaus C. Krzeminski 541
- Smith, L. H., acquisition of real estate, Russia 539
- Spain, alien contract labor cases 611
- and United States, reciprocity arrangement, publication of
definitive repertory 598
- termination of reciprocity arrangement 618
- commercial relations with United States 612
- fines for clerical errors in manifests (Cuba) 577
- indemnity to and return of the Caroline Islands missionaries 591
- reciprocity arrangement with United States, publication of definitive repertory 598
- and United States, reciprocity arrangement, publication of
definitive repertory 598
- Spanish cigar makers at Key West, attack upon 617
- Status of foreigners in Guatemala 316
- Stibbs, H. J., arrest of, Honduras 309
- Stolen or strayed cattle in Mexico, recovery 418
- Sugar, German, additional duty on 234
- Suspension of diplomatic relations between Brazil and Portugal 64, 513
- Sweden and Norway, admeasurement of vessels 636
- Swiss citizens in foreign countries, protection to, by United States representatives 675
- Switzerland, abduction of Constance Madeleine His 646
- Tariff legislation, proposed, Argentine Republic 3
- Tax, military, Switzerland 678
- on German salt 240
- Taxation, discriminating between natives and foreigners 347
- of foreigners, Persia 481
- Telegrams, cipher, restrictions on, Brazil 63
- Termination of reciprocity arrangement between United States and Spain 618
- Thomas, H., arrest of, Guatemala 312
- Tonnage and cargo duties, discriminating, imposed on Mexican vessels in American ports 397
- Toprahanian, Mrs., and Mr. Aivazian, cases of, Turkey 765
- Trade, contraband, Haiti 350
- Transvaal, American interests 252
- Treaty between China and United States regulating emigration 176
- naturalization, of 1875 between Turkey and United States, non-exchange of ratifications of 780
- Triana, Pérez, nationality 195
- Tribunals, mixed, of Egypt, Persian representatives in 508
- Troops, vessels carrying 289
- Tschudy, Fred, citizenship, Switzerland 683
- Turkey, alleged cruelties committed upon Armenians 714
- American citizens committing offenses in, punishment of; case of
Dr. Franklin 713
- schools, impediments in the way of 702
- Americans, naturalized, of Turkish origin, statue and treatment 752
- Armenians, alleged request of, for arms from United States
Government 725
- reported organization in New York of, for military drill 726
- assault on Miss Melton 688
- Jews, restrictions imposed on 750
- American citizens committing offenses in, punishment of; case of
Dr. Franklin 713
- Turkey, Marsovan College 739
- Mr. Aivazian and Mrs. Toprahanian, case of 765
- naturalized Americans of Turkish origin, status and treatment in 752
- neuturality, reported organization in New York of Armenians for military drill 726
- President’s message, 1893 728
- Protection to Turkish subjects teaching in American schools 740
- Protestants, freedom of worship 781
- publication by Turkish subjects in foreign countries of malevolent articles against 729
- Socrates A. Seferiades, case of 731
- treaty, naturalization, of 1875 between Turkey and United States, non-exchange of ratifications of 780
- United States and Chilean claims 87
- Colombia, commercial reciprocity 198
- Nicaragua, reciprocity arrangement 448
- Spain, reciprocity arrangement, publication of definitive repertory 598
- Armenians, alleged request of, for arms from Government of 725
- citizens and army service, Austria-Hungary 21
- arrest of, Honduras 302
- citizen arrested on suspicion, Austria-Hungary 23
- commercial reciprocity, Colombia 198
- relations with Spain 621
- emigration of Israelites to, from Russia 525
- free reentry of cattle from Mexico into 415
- international copyright act, Greece 291
- representatives friendly offices to Chinese in Japan 372
- Japanese in China 351
- good offices to Chinese in Gautemala 331
- registration of Chinese in 160
- representatives, protection of Swiss citizens in foreign countries by 675
- termination of reciprocity arrangement with Spain 618
- Venezuela and British Guiana, boundary 250–803
- Vessels, admeasurement, Austria-Hungary 48
- Belgium 52
- France 215
- Sweden and Norway 636
- carrying troops 289
- Violations, alleged, of neutrality, Haiti 337
- Wakeman, William Walter, case of, Haiti 342
- War between Nicaragua and Honduras 441
- Ward Line, Hidalgo & Co., agents (fines) 577
- Webster, William, claim against Great Britain 287
- Weckbecker, Alexander, contract with Colombian Government 195
- Wegmer, William, military duty, Germany 241
- West India Islands, salvage 284
- Indies, commercial agreements with Great Britain 289
- Wheat flour, American, expediente charges, Brazil 73
- William Hess, expatriation from Russia 557
- Wilson, William, murder of, Nicaragua 465
- Wingfield, Joseph (a minor), citizenship, Russia 561
- Worship, freedom of, for Protestants in Turkey 781
- Zacatecas and St. Louis Ore Company, Mexico 425