Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1894, With the Annual Message of the President, Transmitted to Congress, December 3, 1894

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1894, With the Annual Message of the President, Transmitted to Congress, December 3, 1894
United States Government Printing Office
- Message
- Argentine Republic. (Documents 1–14)
- International copyright (Documents 1–3)
- Proposed tariff legislation (Documents 4–12)
- Certificates of nationality (papeletas) (Documents 13–14)
- International copyright (Documents 1–3)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 15–28)
- United States citizens and army service (Document 15)
- United States citizen arrested on suspicion (Documents 16–18)
- Validity of naturalization certificates (Document 19)
- Case of ex-Consular Agent Dunham (Documents 20–21)
- Expulsion for evasion of military duty (Documents 22–23)
- Case of John Benich—validity of passport (Documents 24–26)
- Collisions at sea (Document 27)
- Admeasurement of vessels (Document 28)
- United States citizens and army service (Document 15)
- Belgium (Documents 29–34)
- Prohibition of American cattle (Documents 29–32)
- Admeasurement of vessels (Documents 33–34)
- Prohibition of American cattle (Documents 29–32)
- Bolivia (Documents 35–38)
- Promotion of Major Fortún (Documents 35–38)
- Promotion of Major Fortún (Documents 35–38)
- Brazil (Documents 39–76)
- Revolt of the navy (Documents 39–49)
- Restrictions on cipher telegrams (Documents 50–52)
- Suspension of diplomatic relations with Portugal (Documents 53–59)
- Refund of expediente charges (Documents 60–65)
- Reciprocity arrangement (Documents 66–72)
- Refusal of Exequatur (Documents 73–74)
- Election of President (Document 75)
- Celebration of the Fourth of July (Document 76)
- Revolt of the navy (Documents 39–49)
- Chile (Documents 77–88)
- United States and Chilean claims (Documents 77–87)
- Amnesty to political offenders (Document 88)
- United States and Chilean claims (Documents 77–87)
- China (Documents 89–183)
- Friendly offices to Japanese in China (Documents 89–140)
- Protection of foreigners (Documents 141–148)
- Imitation of trade-marks (Documents 149–150)
- Transportation of coolies to Brazil (Documents 151–152)
- Citizenship (Documents 153–154)
- Judicial functions discharged by acting consuls (Documents 155–157)
- Suburban residence of missionaries (Documents 158–159)
- Acquisition of mission site in Hainan (Documents 160–163)
- Antiforeign placards (Documents 164–165)
- Proposed regulations for foreigners traveling in China (Documents 166–170)
- Registration of Chinese in the United States (Documents 171–175)
- Exemption of merchant shipping (Documents 176–181)
- Protection of Chinese in Guatemala (Document 182)
- Treaty regulating emigration (Document 183)
- Friendly offices to Japanese in China (Documents 89–140)
- Colombia (Documents 184–191)
- Costa Rican-Colombian boundary. (Documents 184–188)
- Death of President Nuñez (Documents 189–190)
- International relations of Colombia (Document 191)
- Costa Rican-Colombian boundary. (Documents 184–188)
- Denmark (Documents 192–196)
- Visitors to Greenland (Documents 192–193)
- Prohibition of American cattle (Documents 194–196)
- Visitors to Greenland (Documents 192–193)
- Dominican Republic (Documents 197–199)
- Attack on American schooner Henry Crosby (Document 197)
- Exemption from tonnage dues (Documents 198–199)
- Attack on American schooner Henry Crosby (Document 197)
- France (Documents 200–215)
- Admeasurement of vessels (Documents 200–202)
- Regulations for preventing collisions at sea. (Documents 203–206)
- Assassination of President Carnot (Documents 207–214)
- Convention between France and Liberia (Document 215)
- Admeasurement of vessels (Documents 200–202)
- Germany (Documents 216–238)
- Burdens on exportations of American hog products (Documents 216–219)
- Prohibition of American corned beef (Documents 220–221)
- Prohibition of American cattle (Documents 222–227)
- Additional duty on German sugar (Documents 228–232)
- Tax on German salt (Document 233)
- Penalties for failure to perform military duty (Document 234)
- Patents for inventions (Document 235)
- Passports (Documents 236–238)
- Burdens on exportations of American hog products (Documents 216–219)
- Great Britain (Documents 239–284)
- Consular representation in Bulgaria. (Documents 239–241)
- Removal of British subjects from the Choctaw Reservation (Document 242)
- British Guiana and the Venezuelan boundary (Documents 243–244)
- American interests in the Transvaal (Documents 245–247)
- Prevention of escape of Chinamen (Documents 248–249)
- Protection of salmon fisheries (Documents 250–251)
- Collisions at sea. (Documents 252–267)
- The Brazilian revolt. (Documents 268–273)
- American physicians in Great Britain (Documents 274–275)
- Salvage in the West India Islands (Documents 276–277)
- Claims against Great Britain (Documents 278–279)
- Tonnage dues in Grenada (Documents 280–281)
- Vessels carrying troops (Document 282)
- Commercial agreements with the West Indies (Documents 283–284)
- Consular representation in Bulgaria. (Documents 239–241)
- Greece (Documents 285–291)
- International copyright act (Documents 285–287)
- Trade-mark convention (Documents 288–291)
- International copyright act (Documents 285–287)
- Guatemala and Honduras (Documents 292–319)
- Local jurisdiction over foreign merchant ships (Documents 292–294)
- Revolt in Honduras (Documents 295–302)
- Ceremonial announcements (Documents 303–304)
- Arrest of United States citizens (Documents 305–311)
- Lottery in Honduras (Document 312)
- Status of foreigners in Guatemala (Document 313)
- Good offices in behalf of Chinese. (Documents 314–315)
- Reciprocity (Documents 316–317)
- Case of the steamship Oteri (Documents 318–319)
- Local jurisdiction over foreign merchant ships (Documents 292–294)
- Haiti (Documents 320–353)
- Discriminating duties (Documents 320–321)
- Alleged violations of neutrality (Documents 322–327)
- Case of William Walter Wakeman (Document 328)
- Expulsion of foreigners (Documents 329–334)
- Certificates of citizenship (Documents 335–336)
- Regulations of entrance and departure of foreigners from Haiti (Document 337)
- Discriminating taxation between natives and foreigners (Documents 338–340)
- Contraband trade (Documents 341–342)
- Detention of sailing vessels until import duties are paid on their
cargoes (Documents 343–350)
- Tonnage dues (Documents 351–353)
- Discriminating duties (Documents 320–321)
- Hawaiian Republic. (Documents 354–357)
- Recognition of Hawaiian Republic (Documents 354–357)
- Recognition of Hawaiian Republic (Documents 354–357)
- Italy (Documents 358–368)
- Proposed naturalization and extradition conventions (Documents 358–359)
- Commercial reciprocity (Documents 360–361)
- Settlement of estates by consular officers (Document 362)
- Protection of Italian imigrants (Documents 363–365)
- Extradition of Delzoppo and Rinaldi (Documents 366–368)
- Proposed naturalization and extradition conventions (Documents 358–359)
- Japan (Documents 369–379)
- Friendly offices to Chinese in Japan (Documents 369–376)
- Consular jurisdiction over civil suits, case of George W. Lake (Documents 377–379)
- Friendly offices to Chinese in Japan (Documents 369–376)
- Mexico (Documents 380–433)
- Banco Vela discussion (Documents 380–386)
- Use of the Rio Grande for irrigation (Document 387)
- Discriminating tonnage and cargo dues imposed on Mexican vessels in
American ports (Documents 388–396)
- Question of citizenship (Documents 397–398)
- Demarcation of boundary (Documents 399–404)
- Free reentry of cattle into the United States (Documents 405–408)
- Recovery of strayed or stolen cattle (Document 409)
- The Baldwin claim (Documents 410–418)
- St. Louis and Zacatecas Ore Company (Documents 419–420)
- The Ochoa case (Documents 421–433)
- Banco Vela discussion (Documents 380–386)
- Nicaragua (Documents 434–479)
- Rights of foreign residents (Document 434)
- Relations with Honduras (Documents 435–437)
- Boundary between Nicaragua and Colombia (Document 438)
- War with Honduras (Documents 439–443)
- Political situation in Nicaragua (Document 444)
- Authority of diplomatic officers to celebrate marriages (Documents 445–446)
- Reciprocity arrangement (Documents 447–448)
- Financial situation (Documents 449–450)
- Forced contributions (Documents 451–457)
- Nicaraguan canal (Documents 458–461)
- Murder of William Wilson (Documents 462–474)
- Withdrawal of Consul Braida’s exequatur (Documents 475–478)
- Protection of Moravian mission and missionaries in Mosquito
territory (Document 479)
- Rights of foreign residents (Document 434)
- Persia (Documents 480–504)
- Taxation of foreigners engaged in trade (Documents 480–483)
- Assignments of claims by Persian subjects to foreigners (Documents 484–485)
- Establishment of a missionary school at Kermanshah forbidden (Documents 486–491)
- Religious persecution at Hamadan and domiciliary rights of
Americans (Documents 492–498)
- Murder of Aga Jan Khan. (Document 499)
- Persian representation in the mixed tribunals of Egypt (Documents 500–504)
- Taxation of foreigners engaged in trade (Documents 480–483)
- Portugal (Documents 505–507)
- Russia (Documents 508–553)
- Condition of Israelites in Russia, their emigration to the United
States (Documents 508–516)
- Rights of Americans to acquire real estate (Documents 517–519)
- Case of Stanislaus C. Krzeminski, condemned to exile to Siberia (Documents 520–539)
- Expatriation (Documents 540–541)
- Death of Alexander III (Documents 542–551)
- Miscellaneous (case of Joseph Wingfield) (Documents 552–553)
- Condition of Israelites in Russia, their emigration to the United
States (Documents 508–516)
- Salvador (Documents 554–578)
- Extradition of General Ezeta (Documents 554–578)
- Extradition of General Ezeta (Documents 554–578)
- Spain (Documents 579–659)
- Fines for clerical errors in manifests. (Documents 579–587)
- Indemnities to and return of the Caroline Islands missionaries. (Documents 588–597)
- Reciprocity arrangement, publication of definitive repertory (Documents 598–618)
- Alien contract labor cases (Documents 619–624)
- Attack upon Spanish cigar makers at Key West (Documents 625–626)
- Termination of reciprocity arrangement (Documents 627–630)
- Commercial relations (Documents 631–659)
- Fines for clerical errors in manifests. (Documents 579–587)
- Sweden and Norway (Documents 660–668)
- Admeasurement of vessels (Documents 660–668)
- Admeasurement of vessels (Documents 660–668)
- Switzerland (Documents 669–695)
- Abduction of Constance Madeleine His. (Documents 669–683)
- Protection to Swiss citizens by United States representatives in foreign
countries (Documents 684–688)
- Military tax (Documents 689–693)
- Citizenship case of Fred. Tschudy (Documents 694–695)
- Abduction of Constance Madeleine His. (Documents 669–683)
- Turkey (Documents 696–804)
- Assault on Miss Melton (Documents 696–708)
- Impediments in the way of American schools (Documents 709–714)
- Punishment of American citizens committing offenses in Turkey, case of Dr.
Franklin (Documents 715–716)
- Alleged cruelties committed upon Armenians. (Documents 717–733)
- Alleged request of Armenians for arms from the United States
Government (Documents 734–735)
- Neutrality, reported organization in New York of Armenians for military
drill (Documents 736–739)
- President’s message, 1893 (Documents 740–741)
- Publications by Turkish subjects in foreign countries of malevolent
articles against Turkey (Documents 742–745)
- Case of Socrates A. Seferiades (Documents 746–750)
- Marsovan College (Documents 751–752)
- Protection to Turkish subjects teaching in American schools (Documents 753–762)
- Restrictions imposed on Jews (Documents 763–764)
- Status and treatment in Turkey of naturalized Americans of Turkish
origin (Documents 765–778)
- Cases of Mr. Aivazian and Mrs. Toprahanian (Documents 779–802)
- Non-exchange of ratifications of naturalization treaty of 1875 (Document 803)
- Freedom of worship for Protestants in Turkey (Document 804)
- Assault on Miss Melton (Documents 696–708)
- Venezuela (Documents 805–825)
- Closing of the Macareo and other bayous of the Orinoco River to foreign
commerce and detention of the steamer Bolivar (Documents 805–813)
- Decree governing foreigners (Document 814)
- Boundary between Venezuela and British Guiana. (Documents 815–825)
- Closing of the Macareo and other bayous of the Orinoco River to foreign
commerce and detention of the steamer Bolivar (Documents 805–813)
- Index