Mr. Andrade to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, December 31, 1894.
Sir: The Government of Venezuela has seen with great interest the words used by His Excellency Mr. Cleveland in speaking of the Guiana boundary question in his message of this year to the Congress of the United States, and has hastened to give expression to its gratitude and satisfaction, and to become the interpreter of the national sentiment in the communication which has been addressed by the department of foreign relations to the honorable head of the United States legation at Caracas, and which I have the honor to transcribe below:
The message of His Excellency President Cleveland to the United States Congress, which met early in the present month, contains passages relative to our controversy with England which speak volumes for the spirit of justice and the thorough Americanism of that eminent statesman. The principle of arbitration is there invoked as being that which is best calculated to put an end to the dispute; its adoption is recommended as the best means of protecting the honor of both parties; it is declared that Venezuela, the weaker party, eagerly desires it, and the promise is given that the voice of the great American nation will make itself heard in behalf of an honorable and peaceable settlement of the wearisome dispute.
Venezuela, most excellent sir, has witnessed with singular gratitude this noble evidence of a desire to secure her tranquillity and honor; and the Government of which I am a member, being the natural interpreter of the national sentiment, earnestly desires that His Excellency President Cleveland should be made aware of the pleasing impression which has been caused here by his eloquent words, and that he should know that he may rely upon the thankfulness of the Republic for the generous offices which, in behalf of a satisfactory arrangement between England and Venezuela, he promises in that remarkable document to exercise.
The executive of this Republic hopes that your honorable legation will be pleased to transmit the expression of these feelings to His Excellency the President of the United States, through the Department of State, and in informing your excellency of this I have the honor to renew to you the sincere assurances of my high consideration.
By means of the foregoing reproduction I have taken pleasure in performing, in the most faithful manner according to my judgment, the honorable task which his excellency the minister of foreign relations has seen fit to entrust to me, viz, that of communicating to your excellency the sentiments expressed in the note above inserted, he having desired that the expression of the gratitude of the Venezuelan Government should reach President Cleveland through two channels at once, i. e., through Mr. Haselton and through me.
I avail, etc.,