Mr. Riddle to Mr. Gresham.
Constantinople, April 26, 1894. (Received May 10.)
Sir: Referring to your instruction No. 162, of March 29, and to the telegrams copied in my No. 231, of the 20th instant, and No. 233, of the 21st instant, I have the honor to report that I have had a conversation with the grand vizier, in which I pressed for an opportunity to inquire into the status of Adam Aivazian, in order to ascertain, by a personal interview with Mr. Aivazian, whether, during his four years’ stay in Turkey, he has voluntarily so far resumed his original status as to absolve the United States Government from the duty of protecting him.
The grand vizier manifested great unwillingness to allow a foreigner to go to Yozgad, in view of the present disturbed condition of that town; but he promised to have Aivazian brought to Constantinople, and said that the man would be here within a week. On his arrival here I shall endeavor to see him, and will report the result of my investigation.
I have, etc.,