Mr. Gresham to Mavroyeni Bey.
Washington, March 27, 1894.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt, in due course, of your note of the 20th ultimo, in which, referring to interviews theretofore had with me concerning the status of naturalized Armenians returning to Turkey, you informed me, as instructed by a telegram from His Excellency Saїd Pacha, that the silence of the Porte on this subject does not arise from any want of regard for the United States, but from the circumstance that the important question involved had not been determined, owing to the necessity of giving it his mature reflection.
In subsequent interviews I have intimated my disappointment at this apparently indefinite postponement of a matter which, in the President’s judgment, demands instant adjustment; and I am pleased to believe, from your later statements and communications, that the urgency of the situation is appreciated by the counsellors of His Imperial Majesty.
Accept, etc.,