Señor Zeballos to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, July 30, 1894. (Received July 31.)
Mr. Secretary of State: The news that the two Houses of the United States of America had voted the entry, duty free, of wool and of other articles which are likewise produced by the Argentine Republic, has made the most favorable inrpression on my Government and had the most favorable effect upon the commerce of my country, it being deeply interested in developing the relations of trade between the two republics.
Toward the close of 1893, the Argentine Congress suppressed the import duty upon crude petroleum, as I had the honor to inform the Secretary of State in my note of January 30 last.
The inclosed copy of the telegram of the minister of foreign relations of my Government, in which he acknowledges receipt of the news of the vote to which I have referred, shows that the executive power of my country proposes to advocate additional reductions of duty in respect to products of the United States of America; and a commission appointed to study the reform of the customs laws has already publicly [Page 6] stated its opinion in favor of the reduction, to an important extent, of duties upon refined petroleum, agricultural machinery, and white pine and spruce (lumber), which articles are at present among the principal purchases of the Argentine Republic in the market of the United States.
In communicating to the Secretary of State these satisfactory tidings, I permit myself to remember that they confirm the predictions which I had the honor to submit to the upright judgment of the President of the United States in the interview wherewith he honored me on the 13th of November, 1893, and to the Secretary of State in various communications, oral and written, wherein I stated that the duty-free admission of wools and other agricultural products would give a new and reciprocally advantageous aspect to the commerce of the two nations, energetically stimulating it in favor of spontaneous and reciprocal parliamentary courtesies.
I renew, etc.,