Legation of the United States,
Legation of the United States, December 13, 1893. (Received Jan. 2,
No. 134.]
[Inclosure in No. 134.]
Mr. McDowell to
Mr. Terrell.
Mosul, Turkey in Asia, November 24, 1893.
Dear Sir: Yours of October 31 was received
by last post. I am glad to know that our Government shows no signs
of receding from its first position in this case, and that in case
of failure to punish the assailants of Miss Melton an indemnity will
be asked.
We, from the first, have been morally certain as to who the guilty
parties are, but did not think it wise to specify their names until
the time had come to give the evidence. While, as you suggest, it is
impossible for us to secure personal testimony in the case, I feel
confident that the circumstantial evidence which I have sent you
will strike you as being exceedingly strong against the men referred
to, whose names I gave.
There has nothing of importance occurred in the case since I last
wrote you. Abdullah Pacha, sent to Amadia to investigate the matter,
is taking his time to do it, and has already visited and interviewed
the intimate friends of the prisoners in villages on this side of
Amadia, e. g., Sheikh of Bowrnemee and Beshid Bey.
But I am satisfied to have him go on in his own way, for I am sure he
is weaving a rope with which, figuratively speaking, we can hang the
I regret to say that my colleague, before he reached Mosul, hearing
what seemed to him unfavorable news about our case, wrote to our
secretaries at New York, asking them to secure further action by the
Department of State. Possibly they may send this letter to Secretary
Gresham, who perhaps may telegraph you.
Please accept this as an apology beforehand. We are perfectly
satisfied that you are doing what is right in the case. In my
letters to our missionary board I have not had a word of complaint
to offer, and shall write them this week to inform Secretary
Gresham, in case the letter referred to has been sent him, that it
was written by one not fully acquainted with the circumstances, and
that we on the ground are satisfied that you have pushed the case as
rapidly as was possible under the circumstances.
Very sincerely, etc.,