Mr. Uhl to Mr. Muruaga.
Washington, February 3, 1894.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 22d ultimo, in regard to the emigration of certain peninsular Spaniards to Key West, in which you state that the agitation for their expulsion is purely political and due to the animosity of Cuban filibusters, and that the pretext which has been made that they are soldiers and subject to military jurisdiction is absurd and without foundation.
The representations which have reached you touching the grounds upon which the men in question have been treated are, I am happy to state, inaccurate. The action of the Treasury officials was taken solely in compliance with the provisions of the alien contract labor statutes, which it pertains to the Secretary of the Treasury to enforce when it is established that foreign laborers coming to the United States fall under the defined prohibition. A copy of your note and of this reply will be sent to the Secretary of the Treasury for his information.
Accept, etc.,