Mr. Taylor to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, June 22, 1894.
(Received July 5.)
No. 192.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith, with
translation, a copy of the official notice just received from the
ministry of state as to the promulgation of the definitive
I am, etc.,
[Page 611]
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Moret to
Mr. Taylor.
Ministry of
Palace, June 17,
Excellency: I have the honor to inform you
that the ministry of the colonies has to day sent a telegram to the
governor-general of Cuba ordering the publication in the Gazette and
the immediate application of the Spanish version of the repertory
signed by Señor Dupuy de Lôme, a copy of which was sent him by Her
Majesty’s representative in Washington.
By the next mail the same instructions will be sent to the
governor-general of Puerto Rico, either by sending him a copy if it
is possible or by instructing the governor-general of Cuba to
forward to the governor-general of Puerto Rico copies of the Gazette
in which the repertory is published.
In communicating the foregoing the minister for the colonies
expresses the hope that, should any difficulties or doubts arise as
to the exact meaning of the language of the English and the Spanish
versions of the repertory, they will be settled by common accord
with that good faith and reciprocal loyalty becoming friendly
I avail, etc.,