Mr. Taylor to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, November 15,
1893. (Received November 27.)
No. 67.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herein a
translation of a note received today from the minister of state relating
to the publication of the Spanish version of the Cuban repertory in that
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Valera to
Mr. Taylor.
Ministry of
Palace, November 13,
Excellency: The minister of ultramar—to
whom I communicated the courteous note of your excellency, dated the
7th instant, requesting the transmission of telegraphic orders to
the authorities of the Island of Cuba for the publication of the
copy of the Spanish version of the repertory relative to the
commercial agreement with the United States—tells me that as soon as
the authorized copy of the original Spanish is received in that
ministry, and if the close examination to which said copy will be
subjected should not disclose any difficulty, he will endeavor to
satisfy the wishes of the Government of the United States, availing
himself of the circumstance of there existing another copy of the
above mentioned document in Havana.
I avail, etc.,
By order.
Joaquin Valera,