Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.
Madrid, October 9, 1894. (Received October 22.)
Sir: I have the honor to report, in reply to your Nos. 196 and 1971 of the 22d and 24th ultimo, that I have specially presented the case of Messrs. Máicas & Co., with the request that an early indication be given as to the course which will be pursued in that and similar cases. As I have already informed you, I have presented over and over again, by note and by personal interview, all the arguments which can be made against the imposing of these unjust and excessive fines, all of which have so far been fruitless. I inclose you herewith a copy of my note in the case of Messrs. Máicas & Co., and unless you instruct me to the contrary I will make no more general arguments upon the subject until a definite reply has been received to the same. Under your instructions I will consider that as a test case and press for action accordingly.
I am, etc.,
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