Mr. White to Mr. Gresham.
St. Petersburg, August 29, 1894. (Received September 11.)
Sir: An informal note has just reached me from the minister of the interior, conveying the same information regarding Stanislaus Krzeminski as that referred to in my last dispatch regarding him, namely, [Page 545] that his political offense of throwing off his allegiance without permission, of which the penalty is exile to Siberia, had been pardoned, under the imperial amnesty of 1883, but that he is held under charges of embezzling funds, and of other crimes committed while in the service of the Russian Government as a police official.
The only new feature in the case, as stated in the note from the minister of the interior above referred to, is that it is now definitely in the hands of the minister of justice. Him I will see at the earliest moment possible, to day, if he is town, and endeavor to secure the application of the principle embodied in our statutes of limitations.
I am, etc.,