Mr. Thompson to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Petropolis, April 27, 1894.
(Received May 29, 1894.)
No. 227.]
Sir: Referring to your telegram of the 12th
instant, conveying instructions that an effort be made to have the
restrictions on commercial telegrams in cipher removed, I have the honor
to state that a note was addressed on the 13th instant to his excellency
the minister for foreign affairs renewing my previous request for such
action, and on the 24th instant I received a telegram announcing that
the restrictions would be removed.
I inclose the correspondence upon the subject.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Thompson to
Senhor Nascimento.
Legation of the United States,
Petropolis, April 13, 1894.
Sir: By direction of telegraphic
instructions just received, I has ten to renew to his excellency Dr.
Cassiano do Nascimento, minister for foreign affairs, my request for
the removal of restrictions placed by the Government of Brazil upon
[Page 64]
telegrams in
cipher. In view of the recent decisive victories which have attended
the arms of the loyal forces for the preservation of the Republic
and the consequential restoration of business throughout the
country, the necessity appears no longer to exist for the
maintenance of heretofore restrictive measures which have had a
tendency to embarrass the free interchange of communication between
the representatives of trade in the great commercial centers of our
respective republics.
Trusting that his excellency the Sr. marechal, vice-president, in
view of what is above set forth, the magnitude of the interests
involved, and the good which would result, may not be precluded from
granting the relief desired, I have presented the matter for
I improve, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Minister of Exterior
to Mr. Thompson.
de Janeiro, April 24,
Orders have been given in deference to the last solicitations of your
excellency relative to the telegraph. Good wishes to your
Minister of Exterior.