I also transmit herewith copy of a telegram which tends to show the
existence of a very unfriendly feeling in Salvador toward Nicaragua, and
another mentioning some troubles on the frontier of Honduras.
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Baker to
Mr. Young.
Legation of the United States,
Managua, Nicaragua, November 3, 1893.
My Dear Sir: I take the liberty of handing
you herewith a copy of a telegram which has come into my possession.
It will give you a glimpse of the uneasy condition of political
feeling in this section of the country. My excuse for troubling you
with this communication is founded upon the threatening attitude of
Honduras, which country is within your jurisdiction as a public
official, towards Nicaragua. While it is true that a small number of
political refugees from Honduras are now and have been for some time
residing in Nicaragua, I feel reasonably well assured that the
Government of this country entertains no hostile feelings toward its
neighbor on the north. On the contrary, I am convinced that it is
the earnest and honest desire of the present Government of Nicaragua
to cultivate the most friendly relations with all its neighbors, and
that it is the highest ambition of the President and his colleagues
to give to this people a good and stable government, guaranteeing
peace to the citizen and personal rights to all.
President Zelaya, Vice-President General Ortiz, and the ministry are
young men of good ability, and they have governed, considering the
unsettled condition of affairs when they came into power, wisely
[Page 435]
conservatively in
the main. I do not pretend, Mr. Minister, to indorse all the acts of
this Government, for the wisest men make mistakes, but I say that in
the main they have acted well, and they seem to be striving for the
good of their people.
I write to you this personal letter upon my own impulse, and without
having given a hint of the fact to any one, and I do so in the hope
that you may feel inclined to exert your influence in such a way as
seems to you best in the interest of the preservation of the peace
and the promotion of the prosperity of these naturally rich
I am the more earnest in my desire to avert war between Honduras and
Nicaragua because of the fact that we have an important colony of
Americans near the borders of Honduras, who are investing quite
largely in the culture of coffee. I refer to the localities of
Matagalpa and Jinotega. Further, a wise effort is at this time being
made to induce capital and enterprise from abroad to build a
railroad for the opening up of that section of Nicaragua.
I have recently returned from a month’s visit to Costa Rica, and I am
sure that I am not mistaken in saying that the Government in that
country earnestly desires the preservation of peace throughout
Central America. The Costa Ricans are engaged in a laudable effort
directed to the development of the resources of their country, and I
am of the opinion that those in authority will find better uses for
the expenditure of their means and energies in this direction than
in destructive wars.
I leave here to-morrow morning for Salvador, where my best offices
shall be judiciously exerted toward a good understanding between the
Governments to which I am accredited and in favor of the maintenance
of peace among them.
It would afford me much pleasure to have you visit us at the legation
in Managua at your convenience. Besides the pleasure such a visit
would afford, I am sure that in the interest of the public service
good would come of it. In fact, were it convenient for you to do so,
I would be gratified to have you join me during my present visit to
Salvador and to accompany me to this city during the latter part of
this month. I am sure that such a visit, affording you an
opportunity to make the personal acquaintance of the men in power in
these two countries, as well as a comparison of views and the
exchange of information between ourselves, would result in much good
to all concerned.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
From Honduras. Señor Don Ascencion P. Rivas.
To-day the Congress of this Republic issued the following:
Decree No. 108.
Whereas although the people of Nicaragua have taken no part in the
disturbance of the peace in Honduras—repeatedly caused by
aggressions from that Republic, and which have brought about such
great and lamentable evils, and that, on the contrary, their natural
sentiments of fraternity and sympathy for the Honduranean people
have been increased—this Republic must, as a security against new
outrages, take the necessary measures to prevent future
disturbances, and thus protect the national honor and dignity and
safeguard the various interests of the country already so severely
damaged, the National Congress decrees:
Sole article. The executive power is authorized to declare and make
war upon the
[Page 436]
Government of
Nicaragua as soon as the peace of this Republic shall be disturbed
and any invasion shall take place from that of Nicaragua.
Given in
Tegucigalpa on the 30th of October,
- V. Williams,
D. President. - Joaquin Soto,
D. Secretary. - Sotero Barahoua,
D. Secretary.
There are many Nicaraguan fugitives here, among whom,
Yours, affectionately,