Mr. Romero to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, June 20, 1894. (Received June 20.)
Mr. Secretary: With reference to our previous correspondence in regard to the organization by Victor L. Ochoa of a band of people armed in the State of Texas for the purpose of invading Mexico, I have the honor to inform you that I am in receipt of authentic information to the effect that Ochoa, who had left the State of Texas to escape from prosecution on the ground of violation of the neutrality laws of the [Page 432] United States, is now at the Hotel Espanol e Hispano Americano, No. 116 West Fourteenth street, at New York.
The Government of Mexico has instructed me to secure the apprehension and punishment of Ochoa, and with the wish that he may be brought to justice so that this may serve as a warning and prevent the organization of similar bands in the future which are the cause of so many evils on the frontier of both countries, I advise you of Ochoa’s whereabouts so that the proper proceedings maybe taken in conformity to the laws of this country.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,