Mr. Romero to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, January 12, 1894. (Received January 12.)
Mr. Secretary: I have had the honor to receive your Department’s note of yesterday, in reply to that which I addressed to you on the 9th instant with respect to Victor Ochoa, whose extradition was asked by the Mexican consul at El Paso, Tex., and whom the commissioner of the United States set at liberty because the Mexican nationality of the accused had not been proved.
My object in writing you that note was, as I therein stated, to acquaint you with the facts to the end that they would appear should the extradition of Ochoa be asked anew, and not to request the Department of State to exert any intervention in the matter with the U. S. commissioners which may not be permitted by the laws of this country.
To obviate in any future case the difficulties presented in the Ochoa incident, the Government of Mexico will be careful to prove the nationality of this individual, waiving the interpretation which it attaches to the treaty, since in this regard it must necessarily submit to the interpretation which is given thereto by the judicial functionaries of this country.
For the rest, I greatly thank your Department for the good disposition it has shown to take into consideration the statements made to it by this legation with respect to the person in question.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,