Mr. Gresham to Mr. Gray.
Washington, February 10, 1894.
Sir: I have received your No. 232 of the 30th ultimo, in which you transmit the application in duplicate of August Huguet, of Monterey, for a passport.
The application is defective in not adducing proof of the father’s naturalization, but in view of the American birth of Mr. August Huguet, he has a good claim to lawful citizenship by origin, independently of his father’s status. The circumstance that he quitted the United States when 5 years old, and has not for twenty-seven years since had a domicile in the land of his birth, is not consistent with the bona fide conservation of his native allegiance, which should necessarily appear to entitle him to protection as a citizen of the United States. When a minor is removed from this country, as in this instance, the best proof he can give on attaining his majority, of his honest purpose to discharge the duties and bear the burdens of the citizenship he claims, is to return to and dwell in the United States. In the present instance, Mr. Huguet has permitted eleven years to lapse since he became of age without taking steps to resume his natural domicile; and as he gives no satisfactory proof of his intention and ability to do so at any future time, the facts do not warrant the issuance of a passport to him.
I am, etc.,