Mr. Moonlight to
Mr. Gresham.
Legation of the United States,
La Paz, Bolivia, May 5,
1894. (Received June 1.)
No. 8.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith copy
of note No. 6 to the minister of foreign relations, requesting “if
consistent with the views of the Government and the custom in like
cases,” the promotion of Maj. Romulo Fortún of the army and an
aid-de-camp to his excellency the President of the Republic, for
courtesies and kindnesses received on my arrival and during the
reception. This, I was assured, was according to custom and was
Inclosed also find reply of the minister of foreign relations, with
translation of the same, in which it seems Maj. Fortún had been, along
with all leading officers and officials of the army, promoted April 4 on
the recovery of the President (who had been sick) and his resumption of
the duties of his office, and the case is now in the hands of the
minister of war for consideration.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 8.]
Mr. Moonlight
to Dr. Emeterio Cano.
Legation of the United States,
La Paz, Bolivia, April 25, 1894.
Sir: The many courtesies received from Maj.
Romulo Fortún, of the infantry and aid-de-camp to his excellency the
constitutional President of the Republic of Bolivia, induces me to
solicit the favor (if consistent with the views of the Government
and the custom in like cases) of the promotion of the said Maj.
Romulo Fortún to the rank of commandant.
I renew, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Dr. Emeterio
Cano to Mr. Moonlight.
Ministry of Foreign Relations,
La Paz, May
4, 1894.
Your Excellency: In reply to your kind note
of the 25th ultimo, in which your excellency was pleased to request
the promotion of Commandant Romulo Fortún, to whose lot it fell, by
order of the Government, to do the honors of reception to your
excellency from Puerto Perez (to this city), I have the honor to
inform you that I have communicated the matter to the minister of
war, to whose jurisdiction it belongs.
In the meantime I have the pleasure of notifying you that Commandant
Fortún has been included in the promotions decreed by general order
of April 4, on the occasion of the restoration of the President of
the Republic, and as a reward for the services rendered by the
commanders and officers of the army.
I renew, etc.,