Mr. Adee to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, March 22,
No. 89.]
Sir: I inclose herewith a copy of a petition
addressed to the President, the Secretary of State, and the Congress, by
citizens of Louisiana, on the general subject of lotteries, and praying
among other things that this Government will point out to that of
Honduras the proposed attempt of the old Louisiana Lottery Company to
establish itself in Honduras. I also include copies of our antilottery
statutes, to which reference is made in the petition.
It will be observed that the legislation of the United States in this
regard has been framed with a view to its complete efficiency in
excluding the circulation of advertisements and notices of foreign
lottery schemes, as well as repressing domestic enterprises of that
nefarious character.
Should it be true that such an enterprise, made unlawful by our law, is
seeking to make use of a foreign territory from which to operate upon
our citizens, it would seem to be a subject of which the neighboring and
offended State would take notice. It is proper to bring the subject to
the notice of the Government of Honduras, through its minister for
foreign affairs, in order that it may be advised of the views of the
United States and of its legislation in this regard.
I am, etc.,
Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.
[Page 316]
[Inclosure in No. 89.]
To the President, Secretary of
State, and the Congress of the United States:
The undersigned, your petitioners, citizens of Louisiana, represent
that the moral sentiment of the United States has succeeded after
many years of struggle in extirpating the gambling business, known
as lotteries, from the soil of the Republic; and that in driving it
from its last lodgment in the State of Louisiana the aid of the U.
S. Government, by acts of Congress and Executive interference, was
of paramount importance. It is hereby further shown that, as
citizens of Louisiana who have felt the heavy hand of the corrupt
and tyrannical corporation known as the Louisiana Lottery Company,
we are, perhaps, better aware of the evils resulting from its
operation than other communities. It is, therefore, with sorrow that
we learn, through its advertisements, that the said lottery proposes
merely to change its base to the Republic of Honduras, and still
carry on its demoralizing practices against the peace and welfare of
the American people.
We, your petitioners, do therefore most earnestly pray the Government
of the United States to make effectual the will of the people by
excluding all lottery matter from our mails and by prohibiting,
under severe penalties, its transportation into our borders, or
between the States, by any company, firm, or individual, in any
manner whatsoever.
We also pray that our Government will point out to the Government of
Honduras this attempt to use the cover of its nationality to violate
the laws of a friendly power.
- J. McConnell.
- Edgar Howard Farrar.
- Davis Sessums.
- B. M. Palmer.
- Wm. Preston Johnston.
- F. Janssens.
- Francis T. Nicholls.
- Wm. O. Rogers.
- Brandt V. B. Dixon.
- J. C. Keener.
- C. W. Cartep.
- Jno. B. Elliott.
- J. C. Morris.
- R. M. Walmsley.
- L. M. Finley.
- Jos. A. Shakspeare.
- B. M. Harrod.