Mr. Pringle to Mr. Gresham.
Guatemala, January 6, 1894. (Received January 26.)
Sir: With reference to the situation of Honduras I beg leave to say that I have just sent you a cable as follows:
January 6, 1894.
Vasquez defeated at Choluteca. Loses many prisoners. Yuscarán held by revolutionists. Situation serious for Vasquez.
I understand that Gen. Vasquez is about to make a final effort to reestablish his authority and to drive the revolutionists out of Honduras. A decisive engagement was expected yesterday near Tegucigalpa, the capital, but up to the present moment of writing I have heard nothing.
Should the Government forces be again defeated serious trouble must follow.
Yuscarán is a mining town, about 12 leagues from Tegucigalpa, and there is quite an amount of American capital invested there.
Our consul at Tegucigalpa has not been able to furnish me with any information at all, as I understand the telegraph lines are only allowed to send dispatches which are favorable to the Government.
I have, etc.,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.