Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, February 21, 1894. (Received February 23.)
Sir: With reference to Mr. Herbert’s note to Mr. Bayard of the 8th November, 1888, containing a list of certain British ports at which it had been decided by Her Majesty’s Government that not more than one transport or hired vessel carrying troops should be admitted at one time, I have the honor to inform you that, after consideration, Her Majesty’s Government have not deemed it necessary to insist on this restriction so far as regards the harbors of Colombo, Trincomalee, Singapore, and Hongkong.
I am instructed, however, by Lord Rosebery to state that this relaxation of the rule has been decided upon with the object of consulting the convenience of foreign powers; but that Her Majesty’s Government must still request that, whenever practicable, due notice may be given to the colonial authorities of the intended arrival of transports, especially when more than one is about to arrive at the same time.
I have, etc.,