Mr. Uhl to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, March 16, 1894.
Sir: In its No. 1027, of January 11, 1893,1 the Department transmitted to Mr. Lincoln a copy of a Senate resolution and the report of the Committee on Foreign Relations, relative to the claim of William Webster against the Government of Great Britain, and instructed him as follows:
You will again endeavor to secure a favorable consideration of the claim by the British Government. If, however, you are unable to harmonize the diverse views of the two governments, then, following the recommendation of the Senate, you may “propose to the Government of Great Britain that the entire contention be submitted to arbitration, to the end that a final and conclusive settlement thereof, and of all questions involved, may be attained.”
In his dispatch No. 931 of February 28, 1893, Mr. Lincoln inclosed a copy of his note to the British foreign office in pursuance of the foregoing instructions, and also a copy of a note from Lord Rosebery, in reply, under date of February 25. In this note his lordship stated that a communication on the subject of the claim had been made to the Government of New Zealand in August, 1892; that their attention would be again called to it, and, that on receipt of their reply, he would consider the matter in consultation with the secretary of state for the colonies. The Department has received no further communication regarding this matter.
As more than a year has elapsed since the date of Lord Rosebery’s note, it would seem proper for you to again call the attention of the foreign office to the matter and request a reply.
I am, etc.,
Acting Secretary.