Mr. Denby to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Peking, June 20, 1892.
(Received August 9.)
No. 1544.]
Sir: In my dispatch No. 1542 of June 17, I
transmitted to you copies of a correspondence between the foreign office and
myself touching the question whether the President had approved the recent
act of Congress relating to Chinese restriction. Having received your
cablegram of June 17, of which I acknowledged the receipt in my dispatch No.
1543 of June 19, I sent this day to the foreign office a communication of
which a copy is herewith inclosed. I shall await your instructions of the
17th ultimo before taking any further action.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 1514.]
Mr. Denby to the
tsung-li Yamên.
Legation of the United States,
Peking, June 20,
Your Highness and Your Excellencies: I have the
honor to inform your highness and your excellencies that the honorable
Secretary of State has informed me by cablegram that the President has
approved the recent Chinese restriction law which was enacted by
Congress, extending existing legislation ten years.
An official copy of this law was mailed to me oh the 17th ultimo, but has
not yet reached me. I will transmit a copy thereof to your highness and
your excellencies as soon as one reaches me. In advance of the receipt
of an official copy it would serve no good purpose to set out in detail
the provisions of this law, but judging from newspaper copies that I
have seen thereof it is safe to say that it simply extends existing laws
for the period often years, and provides some additional safeguards for
their execution.
It does not apply to any class of Chinese subjects except laborers.
I have, etc.