Alphabetical Index.
- Argentine Republic:
- Asylum, right of—
- Austria-Hungary:
- Baltimore:
- Blockade:
- Boundary dispute:
- Brazil:
- Cable between the United States and Brazil. Landing of the connection for a, refused to a French Company by reason of the monopoly involved 16–17
- Cannon of the privateer General Armstrong known as “Long Tom,” presented to the United States by the Government of Portugal 358–361
- Chile:
- China:
- Act of Congress forbidding the coming of Chinese to the United States 106, 118–120, 123, 134–138, 145, 147–158
- Anti-foreign publications and placards 90, 92, 103, 105, 115, 117, 125, 146–147
- Discrimination against foreign shipping 99
- Emperor’s life and habits 81
- Extradition by consuls under treaties with other powers 69, 74
- Immigration certificates ignored at San Francisco 139
- Insurrection in Mongolia 71–72, 76–77, 82–84, 86–87, 96, 100
- Jurisdiction of consuls over subordinate officers charged with crime 113, 123
- Li-kin, internal taxation 97, 100, 102
- Missionary troubles at Chi-nan-fu 70–71, 73, 89, 118
- Memorial of the Chinese minister at Washington to the throne on questions affecting the two countries 133
- Molestations on Chinese by Treasury officials at Whidbey Island 138, 140
- Outrages on Chinese at Butte City 142–143
- Review of events in 1891 84
- Riot at Shensi 133
- Riots against foreigners 91, 101, 115
- University of Peking, Christian 104
- Chinese crew of a British vessel. Rights of British seamen claimed for 255, 257
- Chinese employed on United States vessels; fees collected on and discharge of, in the Hawaiian Islands 342–343
- Chinese immigration from Canada 234, 236, 297–298, 309, 316, 320, 322–324
- Cholera in Persia. Eminent services of United States vice-consul and American missionaries for the relief of patients 341
- Claims convention with Chile 52, 53, 54, 65–66
- Consular jurisdiction in China, over subordinate officers of the consulate 113, 123
- Copyright. Reciprocal, with Great Britain and Canada 220–223, 225, 227, 240, 257–266
- Costa Rica. Treaty of amity, commerce, and consular privileges between the United States and. Notice of its termination by Costa Rica 43, 45
- Diplomatic officers. Immunities of, in the United States 521–526
- Discovery of America: Clebration of the four hundredth anniversary of the—
- Expulsion of naturalized citizens who have not performed military service in Austria-Hungary 6–13
- Expulsion of Jews from Russia 363, 379, 387
- Extradition in China by consuls under treaties with other countries 69, 74
- Famine in Russia: Relief tendered by the United States 362, 364–379, 380–386, 390–391
- Fisheries:
- France:
- Germany:
- Congratulations of the Emperor on the occasion of the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America 219
- Military service ease of Charles E. Heintzman 177, 179–182
- of John Haberacker 199
- Passport issued regularly to Alexander Block 184, 188, 191
- Patents and trade marks convention, proposed 200–214
- Patents. Difficulties experienced by United States inventors seeking patents in Germany 185–188, 189, 190, 191–197, 217
- Gilbert Islands:
- Great Britain:
- Annexation of the Gilbert Islands 237, 241, 246, 247–249
- Chinese crew of a British vessel. Rights of British seamen claimed for 255–257
- Chinese immigration from Canada 234, 236, 297–298, 309–316, 320, 322–324
- Copyright, reciprocal 220–223, 225–227, 240, 257–266
- Death of the Duke of Clarence and Avondale 224, 225–226, 268
- Fisheries in contiguous waters—agreement for their protection 317, 324–326
- Immigration act of 1891, complaints of British steamship lines against hardships imposed at Boston, under the 255, 257, 271, 270
- Immigration, assisted, of British army pensioners 266–267, 268–271, 272, 276
- Liquor and arms traffic with the Pacific islanders 287, 324
- Pago-Pago, rights of the United States to the harbor of 243, 246
- Protectorate established by France over territory belonging to Liberia. 229, 231, 234
- Tolls discriminating against United States citizens, levied on Canadian canals 250–254, 272–273, 277–287, 292–294, 295, 298–301, 306, 327, 335
- Wrecking privileges in waters contiguous to Canada and the United States 277, 289–292, 294–295, 295–296, 304–305, 307–308, 331–333
- Haberacker, John, military service of, in Germany 199
- Haiti:
- Hawaii:
- Hog products, American:
- Immigration act of 1891:
- Immigration, assisted, of British army pensioners 266, 267, 268, 271, 272, 276
- Immigration: Chinese forbidden by act of Congress 106, 118–120, 123, 126, 134–138, 145, 147–158
- Immunities of diplomatic officers in the United States 521–526
- Italy:
- Liberia:
- Li-kin, internal taxation in China 97, 100, 102
- Liquor and arm trade in the Pacific. Arrangement proposed by Great Britain for its restriction 198, 287, 320
- Military service case of John Haberacker in Germany 199
- Charles E. Heintzman, in Germany 177, 179–182
- Missionary troubles:
- Myers, Henry R., claim of, against Salvador 20–37, 44, 49
- Neutrality laws of the United States. Violation alleged by Venezuela 625, 627, 639–648
- Nicaragua. Right of asylum by American steamer Honduras recognized by the criminal court of Rivas 45
- Pacific Islands. Prohibition of the trade in liquor and arms proposed by Great Britain 198, 287, 320
- Pago-Pago Harbor. Rights of the United States to 243, 246
- Passports:
- Persons born abroad of native citizens, but who never resided in the United States 5–6
- Persons born abroad of parents who are subsequently naturalized 230, 233
- Persons born in the United States taken abroad by their parents during minority, but intend to return 184, 188, 189, 191
- Persons born in the United States, but who have had no residence there since young age and can not swear as to intention of returning 179, 226–227, 235
- Minor, Maurice Hubbard, who is endeavoring to find a situation in the United States and will then return 168–169
- United States citizens residing in China or extraterritorial countries, where they remain under the jurisdiction of the United States can be granted, without the requirements exacted in other countries 124
- Patents and trade-marks:
- Persia:
- Portugal:
- Real estate in Persia, right granted to United States citizens to own it in their own name 355
- Russia:
- Salvador: Claim of Henry R. Myers for loss of property and personal injuries sustained in connection with the violation of the United States consulate at Salvador 20–37, 44, 49
- Shields, Patrick, claim of, against Chile 66
- Spain:
- Celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America in 496, 499, 502, 519, 520
- Hog products, removal of the prohibition on the importation of 491, 492–495
- Missionary troubles at Ponape, Caroline Islands 394–489, 492, 504, 513
- Royal family and descendants of Christopher Columbus invited to attend the opening ceremonies of the Columbian Exposition as guests of the United States 498, 500, 513, 518, 520
- Switzerland:
- Tobacco monopoly in Persia. Withdrawal of the concession to a foreign company 356
- Tolls, discriminating against United States citizens, levied on Canadian canals 250–254, 272–273, 277–287, 292–294, 295, 298–301, 306, 327, 335
- Treaty of amity, commerce, and consular privileges between the United States and Costa Rica. Notice of termination served by the Government of Costa Rica 43, 45
- Turkey:
- Interference with building operations of United States citizens 529, 553, 556, 558, 561, 565, 570–571, 574, 575, 578, 579
- Interference with circulation of the Bible 554, 564, 590, 592, 593, 595, 599
- Missionary troubles 536–537, 548, 603, 607, 608
- Missionary troubles at Bourdour 529, 553, 556, 558, 582–588, 593, 594, 596, 600, 606, 608
- Protection of native teachers in American schools 568, 572
- Protection of naturalized Turkish subjects 533
- Rights and privileges of United States citizens and foreigners in Turkey 545, 554, 608
- Schools and churches. Obnoxious regulations affecting the, and closing of 527, 530–531, 534–536, 537–542, 547, 550–552, 557, 562, 564, 572–573, 575, 576–577, 578–579, 580, 607
- Searching and seizure of private correspondence 556, 558–561, 590, 601, 613
- Venezuela:
- Asylum of passengers on board of American vessels 615, 619, 623, 627, 637
- Blockade, alleged breaking of, by American steamers 628–629, 635
- Neutrality of American steamers in the revolution 627
- Alleged violation of the United States neutrality laws by the steamer South Portland 625, 627, 639–648
- Revolution in 618, 620–622, 624, 625, 634–635, 636
- Vessels, American. Their registry not affected by temporary foreign service 628