Mr. Newberry to Mr. Foster.

No. 515.]

Sir: I have prepared the following telegram, which I will send in a few hours, as it is now 3 o’clock a.m.:

Said Pacha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pera:

I have received to-day from Mr. Bartlett of Bourdour the following telegram, which I hasten to communicate to you for your information: “Last night they burned down my house totally. Our lives also are greatly in danger.” I hold the Imperial Government responsible for the security of the lives of Mr. Bartlett and his family, and I trust that immediate steps will be taken to that end.

Newberry, Chargé.

Some ten days ago I called upon the Grand Vizir and left with him a memorandum of Mr. Bartlett’s case, and he promised to have immediate orders sent that Mr. Bartlett should not be further molested. I then wired Bartlett that such orders had gone. A week went by and Bartlett answered that the local authorities denied all knowledge of such orders. Another visit to the Porte and further peremptory telegraphic orders were sent. Mr. Gargiulo saw the telegram, which was in Turkish and it was all that could be desired. This morning I wired Bartlett as follows:

The Grand Vizir informs me final orders had gone to Vali of Conia, allowing you to complete your building. Telegraph me if permit refused.

Newberry, Chargé.

And the result of all this has been the destruction of Bartlett’s house. By the word “they” he means either Greek or Armenian community. They have both been intriguing with mutaseriff of Bourdour against Bartlett and have been magnificently successful in delaying his missionary work.

I have, etc.,

H. R. Newberry,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.