Mr. Porter to Mr. Blaine.
Rome, June 11, 1890. (Received June 24.)
Sir: Your dispatch No. 55, dated the 3d ultimo, relating to the case of Nicolino Mileo, was duly received.
I have not yet submitted the case to the minister for foreign affairs, having had a desire, before doing so, to give a more careful study to the questions which it involves.
I expect to present Mileo’s case the first of next week, when the minister will receive the members of the diplomatic corps. I shall first submit a note and shall then ask that a special audience shall as soon afterwards as practicable be given to me with regard to the case and with a view, also, of urging the adoption of amendments to our treaties with Italy in relation to the subjects of naturalization and the extradition of offenders.
I have, etc,