Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 1, 1890

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 1, 1890
United States Government Printing Office
- Message.
- Foreign Relations.
- List of papers with an analysis of their contents.
- Correspondence.
Argentine Republic. (Documents 1–3) - Austria-Hungary. (Documents 4–10)
- Brazil. (Documents 11–16)
- Central America. (Documents 17–117)
- China. (Documents 118–171)
- Correspondence with the legation of China at Washington. (Documents 157–171)
- Correspondence with the legation of China at Washington. (Documents 157–171)
- Colombia. (Documents 172–195)
- Correspondence with the legation of Colombia at Washington. (Documents 193–195)
- Correspondence with the legation of Colombia at Washington. (Documents 193–195)
- France. (Documents 196–207)
- Germany. (Documents 208–225)
- Correspondence with the legation of Germany at Washington. (Documents 221–225)
- Correspondence with the legation of Germany at Washington. (Documents 221–225)
- Great Britain. (Documents 226–293)
- Correspondence with the legation of Great Britain at Washington. (Documents 255–293)
- Correspondence with the legation of Great Britain at Washington. (Documents 255–293)
- Greece. (Documents 294–303)
- Haiti. (Documents 304–317)
- Italy. (Documents 318–342)
- Correspondence with the legation of Italy at Washington. (Documents 326–342)
- Correspondence with the legation of Italy at Washington. (Documents 326–342)
- Japan. (Documents 343–359)
- Correspondence with the legation of Japan at Washington. (Documents 357–359)
- Correspondence with the legation of Japan at Washington. (Documents 357–359)
- Mexico. (Documents 360–408)
- Persia. (Documents 409–429)
- Peru. (Documents 430–433)
- Russia. (Documents 434–436)
- Sweden and Norway. (Documents 437–451)
- Correspondence with the legation of Sweden and Norway at
Washington. (Documents 448–451)
- Correspondence with the legation of Sweden and Norway at
Washington. (Documents 448–451)
- Turkey. (Documents 452–486)
- Venezuela. (Documents 487–502)
- Correspondence with the legation of Venezuela at Washington. (Documents 496–502)
- Correspondence with the legation of Venezuela at Washington. (Documents 496–502)
- Alphabetical Index.