Alphabetical Index.
- Alsace-Lorraine, visé of passports of persons going into, from France 310, 316
- Angel, Moses, arrest of, for nonpayment of taxes in Jerusalem 745, 757, 766, 770, 771
- Argentine Republic:
- Commerce with the United States 1
- Asylum, right of. (See Haiti; Central America—case of General Barrundia.)
- Austria-Hungary:
- Authentication of extradition documents in British India 417–419
- Barrundia, Gen. J. M., killing of 82–90, 96–97, 101, 105, 106–112, 123, 144
- Behring Sea seal fisheries 358–407, 410, 419–476, 477–508
- Bevivino, Giuseppe, extradition of, from Italy 554–568, 571–572
- Black Diamond, Canadian vessel, seizure of, in Bering Sea 362
- Boston Ice Company, claim of, against Colombia 258
- Boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela 322, 337–342, 776, 778–788
- Brazil:
- Constitution, commission to draft 16
- Mutiny in the Second Artillery Regiment 16
- Decree banishing certain citizens 18
- Decree ordering military trials 18
- Decree revoking the grant made to the Emperor 19
- Decree creating two vice presidents 20
- Decree separating the church from the state 20
- Lee, J. Fenner, chargé d’affaires ad interim 21
- Joint resolution of Congress of the United States congratulating the people of Brazil on the establishment of the Republic 21–23
- Visit of the Brazilian squadron to New York 23
- Burmah, complaint of American missionaries. (See missionaries.)
- Canada, Chinese immigration into United States from Mexico and 357
- Catechi, Emmanuel C., subjection of, to military service in Greece 511–520
- Cattle, sheep, and hog products:
- Cavasses attached to legations and consulates in Turkey, subjection to military service 742
- Cedercrantz, Otto Conrad Waldemar, appointment of, as chief justice of Samoa 317–318, 408–409, 703–706, 713
- Central America:
- Revolution in Salvador 28
- War between Salvador and Guatemala 28–146, 644–655
- Declaration of war by Guatemala 29, 40, 44
- Seizure of arms on the Colima by the Guatemalan Government 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 49, 54, 65, 79, 80, 97, 101, 113–114, 119, 142, 646, 650
- Seizure of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company’s steam launch by the Guatemalan Government 35, 98
- Treaty between Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Honduras 36
- Good offices of the United States between Guatemala and Salvador 35, 39, 41, 43–45, 53–54, 61, 73–75, 81–82, 90, 100, 101, 104, 106, 113, 117, 121, 647, 648, 651–655
- Good offices of Costa Rica and Nicaragua 35, 45, 50
- Attack upon the United States consulate at San Salvador 64, 73, 75, 101, 105, 115, 119
- Killing of Gen. J. M. Barrundia by Guatemalan officials on the American steamer Acapulco at San José 82–90, 96–97, 101, 105, 106–112, 123, 144
- Interception of telegrams 34, 39, 41, 62, 63, 73, 79, 100, 113–114, 118, 119–121, 122–123, 644–646, 647, 648
- Gen. Carlos Ezeta proclaimed provisional President of Salvador 28
- Gen. Carlos Ezeta elected constitutional President of Salvador 104, 117
- Gen. Carlos Ezeta refuses to yield the Presidency to Alvarez 646
- Gen. Carlos Ezeta rejects the conditions of peace proposed by Mr. Mizner 653
- China:
- Claim of Louis McCaslin 147, 152, 165, 178, 180–182, 187, 193
- Complaint of Presbyterian missionaries at Chi-nan-fu 148, 155–164, 179, 192, 195, 197, 206, 208
- Travel certificates 153, 173–175, 182
- Claim of Rev. Gilbert Reid. (See complaint of Presbyterian missionaries at Chi-nan-fu.)
- Regulations for passports 174–176, 182
- Permission granted to a Chinese physician to complete his studies in the United States 177, 186
- Export transit passes 184, 187
- Chinese exclusion bill 187, 206, 211, 228–230
- Chinese enumeration in the United States 187
- Segregation of Chinese in San Francisco 187, 196, 219–226
- Hydrographic surveys 193, 196
- Marriages between Americans in China, in the presence of United States minister 197, 209
- Navigation of the Yang-tse-Kiang River 199
- Sze-chuen, province of 201
- Coinage 204–206
- Transit of Chinese laborers through the United States 210–211
- Expulsion of Chinese from Aberdeen, Wash 226–227
- Chi-nan-fu, complaint of Presbyterian missionaries. (See China.)
- Chinese:
- Citizenship:
- Claims:
- Louis McCaslin vs. China 147, 152, 165, 178, 180–182, 187, 193
- Rev. Gilbert Reid vs. China. (See China: Complaint of Presbyterian missionaries at Chi-nan-fu.)
- Boston Ice Company vs. Colombia 258
- Panama Star and Herald vs. Colombia 260, 272–275
- Citizens of the United States vs. Colombia 269
- William Webster vs. Great Britain 344
- Shadrack White vs. Mexico 632, 635, 642
- Howard C. Walker vs. Mexico 633, 641, 643
- Nicolino Mileo vs. Italy 536–554
- Coinage in China 204–206
- Colima, Pacific Mail Steamship Company’s steamer, seizure of arms on board of, by the Guatemalan Government 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 47, 54, 65, 79, 80, 97, 101, 113–114, 119, 142, 646, 650
- Colombia:
- Estate of Mrs. S. H. Smith 231, 254–258, 261–265, 268–269, 270
- Seizures of American vessels on the San Blas coast 239–254
- Claim of the Boston Ice Company 258
- Claim of the Panama Star and Herald 260, 272–275
- Estate of Alexander Henry 266, 269, 270
- Claims of citizens of the United States vs. Colombia 269
- Settlement of estates 231, 254–258, 261–269, 270
- Commerce between the United States and the Argentine Republic 1
- Costa Rica. (See Central America.)
- Dragomans attached to legations and consulates in Turkey, subjection to military service 742
- Ericsson, Capt. John, sending of remains to Sweden 706–713, 714–720
- Estates, settlement of, in Colombia 231, 254–258, 261–269, 270
- Expulsions:
- Extradition:
- Fischer, Frank Xavier, arrest of, at Wolfurt, Austria 4–5, 14
- Fisheries, seal, in Behring Sea 358–407, 410, 419–476, 477–508
- France:
- Germany:
- Great Britain:
- Cattle, sheep, and hog products, exclusion of 281
- Taxes levied on American missionaries in Burmah 321, 325, 334
- Boundary between Venezuela and British Guiana 322, 337–342, 776, 778–788
- Pilotage dues at Halifax 322
- Claim of William Webster 344
- Chinese immigration from Canada and Mexico into the United States 357
- Seal fisheries in Behring Sea 358–407, 410, 419–476, 477–508
- Samoan treaty 306, 317–318, 408–409, 703–706, 713
- Authentication of extradition documents in British India 417–419
- British protectorate over Zanzibar 476
- Greece:
- Guatemala. (See Central America.)
- Haiti:
- Elections 521, 523
- Right of asylum at legations and consulates 521–523
- Opening of the legislature 523–525
- Expulsion of Sultzer Wart, Robert Love, and François Manigat 525–527
- Martial law, abolition of, at Port-au-Prince 527
- Closed ports, entrance of the American schooners Baltic and Rising Sun into Grand Gosier 528, 530
- Message of President Hyppolite 530
- Halifax, pilotage dues at 322
- Henry, Alexander, settlement of estate of, in Colombia 266, 269, 270
- Hog products, American:
- Honduras. (See Central America.)
- Hydrographic surveys in China 193, 196
- Immigration, Chinese, into United States from Canada and Mexico 357, 655–657
- Impressments into military service. (See Military Service.)
- India (British), authentication of extradition documents in 417–419
- Italy:
- Claim of Nicolini Mileo against Italy on account of impressment into military service 536–554
- Extradition of Vincenzo Villella and Giuseppe Bevivino 554–568, 571–572
- Proposed amendment to the extradition treaty of 1868 between Italy and the United States respecting the nonsurrender of citizens or subjects of either party 568, 572
- Japan:
- Jews, proscription of, in Russia 701
- Joint-stock companies in Greece, treaty governing rights of 509–511
- Klamer, Hugo, expulsion of, from Austria-Hungary 9, 15
- Knapp, Rev. G. C., assault on, in Turkey 721, 737, 738, 739, 740, 742–745, 758, 761, 764, 765, 773, 775
- Kanstoroom. Shalom, arrest of, for nonpayment of taxes, in Jerusalem 745, 757, 766, 770, 771
- Labor question:
- Lafayette, Edmond de, death of 294
- Legation, rights of. (See Haiti; Turkey; Central America—case of General Barrundia; Telegrams.)
- Love, Robert, expulsion of, from Haiti 525–527
- McCaslin, Louis, claim of, against China for injuries 147, 152, 165, 178, 180–182, 187, 193
- McDowell, Rev. E. W., robbery of, in Turkey 760, 765
- Manigat, François, expulsion of, from Haiti 525–527
- Maneuvers, military and naval, in Japan 599
- Marriages between Americans in China, in the presence of United States minister 197, 209
- Medals and brevets presented by the Emperor of Japan to certain American citizens 575, 598
- Mexico:
- Arrest of Captain Stilphen, of the American schooner Robert Ruff, at Coatzacoalcos 620–623, 628, 630–631, 632
- Imprisonment of R. C. Work 623–628, 630, 632, 633, 641
- Claim of Shadrack White 632, 635, 642
- Claim of Howard C. Walker 633, 641, 643
- Permits to foreigners to buy real estate in Mexico 644
- Good offices between Salvador and Guatemala 648, 651–653, 654
- Chinese immigration into the United States from Mexico and Canada 655–657
- Mileo, Nicolino, claim of, against Italy on account of impressment into military service 536–554
- Military service:
- Missionaries:
- Moussa Bey:
- Nicaragua. (See Central America.)
- Norway. (See Sweden and Norway.)
- Panama Star and Herald, claim of, against Colombia 260, 272–275
- Passports:
- Native Americans long domiciled abroad 1–3, 323–324, 328, 331–332, 335, 342
- Naturalized Americans long domiciled in their native country 6, 11, 297, 300
- Declaration, by applicant residing abroad, of intention to return to the United States 298, 300
- Widow of a naturalized citizen residing in her native country, right to 301
- Child (born in United States) of a deceased naturalized American citizen residing abroad with his mother in her native country, right to 301
- Certificate in the nature of a passport issued by the governor of a State 330, 332, 335
- Visé of, for persons visiting Turkey 317
- Visé of, for persons entering Alsace-Lorraine from France 310, 316
- Regulations for, in China 174–176, 182
- Travel certificates in China 153, 173–175, 182
- Certificates of protection for persons who have only declared their intention to become citizens should not be issued 693–696
- Widow and children of an alien who has made a declaration of intention and dies before he has become naturalized, shall be considered citizens upon taking the oath prescribed by law 297
- Children born in United States of naturalized parents, going abroad during minority and remaining there, not entitled to 297, 298, 300
- Naturalized citizens must prove their naturalization. A mere statement of an applicant is insufficient to warrant the issuance of a passport 298
- Persia:
- Peru:
- Pilotage dues at Halifax 322
- Prison Congress at St. Petersburg 697, 701
- Protection of residents of Peru who have declared their intention of becoming citizens of the United States 693–696
- Raynolds; Rev. Dr., assault of, in Turkey 721, 737, 738, 739, 740, 742–745, 758, 761, 764, 765, 773, 775
- Refugees at legations and consulates 521–523
- Reid, Rev. Gilbert, claim of, against China. (See China: Complaint of Presbyterian missionaries at Chi-nan-fu.)
- Right of asylum. (See Haiti; Central America—case of General Barrundia.)
- Right of legations. (See Haiti; Turkey; Central America—case of General Barrundia; Telegrams.)
- Robert College, Constantinople, erection of addition to 769
- Rope of human hair from Japan presented to the Smithsonian Institution 592, 602
- Russia:
- Proscription of Jews in 701
- Salvador. (See Central America.)
- Samoa:
- Sale of lands in 317, 318, 408, 409
- Importation and sale of arms and munitions of war in 317, 318, 408, 409
- Sale of spirituous liquors in 317, 318, 408, 409
- Elections in 318, 408, 409
- Collections of taxes and customs duties in 318, 408, 409
- Appointment of a chief justice of 317–318, 408–409, 703–706, 713
- Samoan treaty:
- Comments of the German press on the 306
- Carrying out the provisions of the, relative to the sale of lands, importation and sale of arms and munitions of war, and sale of spirituous liquors 317, 318, 408, 409
- Elections and collection of taxes and customs duties 318, 408, 409
- Selection of a chief justice of Samoa 317–318, 408–409, 703–706, 713
- San Blas coast, Colombia, seizures of American vessels on 239–254
- Schools, American mission, in Turkey 738, 773
- Scott’s Emulsion, taxes levied on, in Japan 577–592, 594, 599, 602–604, 611–619
- Seal fisheries in Berhing Sea 358–407, 410, 419–476, 477–508
- Seizures:
- Arms on the American steamer Colima by the Guatemalan authorities 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 47, 54, 65, 79, 80, 97, 101, 113–114, 119, 142, 646, 650
- American vessels on the San Blas coast 239–254
- British sealing vessels in Bering Sea 358–407, 410, 419–476, 477–508
- Books offered for sale by American missionaries in Turkey 722, 739, 752, 760, 763, 765, 770
- Smith, Mrs. S. H., settlement of estate of, in Colombia 231, 254–258, 261–265, 268–269, 270
- Stewart, Col. C. E., British consul-general at Tabreez, appreciation of services rendered in capture and trial of murderer of Mrs. Wright, in Persia 344
- Stilphen, Capt. J. H., arrest of, in Mexico 620–623, 628, 630–631, 632
- St. Paul’s Institute, Tarsus, foundation of 772
- Sweden and Norway:
- Sze-chuen, China, history and geography of 201
- Telegrams, interception of 34, 39, 41, 62, 63, 73, 79, 100, 113–114, 118, 119–121, 122–123, 644–646, 647, 648
- Thanks of the United States Government to Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, British minister in Persia, and Col. C. E. Stewart, British consul-general at Tabreez, for services rendered in capture and trial of murderer of Mrs. Wright, in Persia 344
- Tonnage dues on vessels coming from German ports to the United States 318–320
- Transit passes for goods exported from China 184, 187
- Travel certificates in China 153, 173–175, 182
- Trial of Moussa Bey for robbing and murdering Armenians in 1886 724, 740, 742
- Triumph, Canadian vessel, seizure of, in Behring Sea 362
- Turkey:
- Murderous attack on Rev. Mr. Knapp and Rev. Dr. Raynolds by Moussa Bey in 1883 721, 737, 738, 739, 740, 742–745, 758, 761, 764, 765, 773, 775
- Seizures of books offered for sale by American missionaries in Turkey 722, 739, 752, 760, 763, 765, 770
- Trial of Moussa Bey for robbing and murdering Armenians in 1886 724, 740, 742
- American mission schools 738, 773
- Military service of cavasses and dragomans of foreign legations 742
- Maltreatment of Moses Angel and Shalom Kanstoroom by the Turkish authorities at Jerusalem 745, 757, 766, 770, 771
- Robbery of Rev. E. W. McDowell and Rev. J. G. Wishard by Nestorian mountaineers in 1889 760, 765
- Antichristian riot at Jaffa, May 23, 1890 768
- Antichristian riot at Erzerum, June, 1890 770
- Iradé granted for an addition to Robert College 769
- Iradé granted for the foundation of St. Paul’s Institute at Tarsus 772
- Visé of passports 317
- Walker, Howard C., claim of, against Mexico 633, 641, 643
- War between Guatemala and Salvador. (See Central America.)
- Wart, Sultzer, expulsion of, from Haiti 525–527, 529
- Webster, William, claim of, to lands in New Zealand 344
- White, Shadrack, claim of, against Mexico 632, 635, 642
- Wishard, Rev. John G., robbery of, in Turkey 760, 765
- Wolff, Sir Henry Drummond, British minister in Persia, appreciation of services rendered in capture and trial of murderer of Mrs. Wright, in Persia 344
- Work, R. C., imprisonment of, in Mexico 623–628, 630, 632, 633, 641
- Wright, Mrs. J. N., murder of, in Persia 658–692
- Yang-tse River, China, navigation of 199
- Zanzibar, British protectorate over 476