Mr. Abbott to Mr. Blaine.
Bogota, April 24, 1890. (Received May 15.)
Sir: Not having received your reply to my No. 48 of December 12, 1889, respecting the rights conferred upon our consuls by the treaty of 1846, in the matter of the settlement of estates, and the day of the judicial [Page 255] sale of the houses therein referred to being close at hand, I represented the situation to the minister for foreign affairs, with the suggestion that the matter might be more satisfactorily discussed before than after the sale.
He agreed with me and immediately telegraphed to the governor of Panama to procure a postponement of the sale.
The questions arising have not been discussed, but simply suggested, and an arrangement is to be made between the minister and myself as to the time when the matter shall be considered. In the meantime all things are to remain in statu quo, and no one is to be prejudiced.
It is presumed that the case will be considered about the middle of August.
I have, etc.,