No. 721.
Mr. Bayard to Baron de
Washington, February 21, 1888.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 14th instant, wherein you refer to the participation of the Government of Italy in the conference about to be held at Madrid in relation to affairs in Morocco, and express its interest in learning the views of this Government touching the right of foreign protection in Morocco, and especially whether, as is reported, “the American delegates to the conference have in reality received instructions never to renounce this right, even if the representatives of all the other powers should be of a contrary opinion.”
In reply, I have the pleasure to inform you that Mr. Curry, the United States minister at Madrid, and Mr. Lewis, our consul at Tangier, who are to attend the conference as delegates, jointly and severally, of this Government, have simply been instructed to take part for the purpose of examining whether, as is alleged, the right of foreign protection is abusively exercised under existing treaties, and, if so, to recommend a remedy which will secure the ends in view of affording certain protection to the official representation of foreign governments and the legitimate business and personal interests of foreigners throughout the territory of Morocco.
Accept, etc.,