No. 720.
Baron de
Fava to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, February 14, 1888. (Received February 16.)
Mr. Secretary of State: The Government of the King, being about to take part in the conference which is soon to be held at Madrid for the regulation of affairs in Morocco, has a particular interest in learning the views of the Cabinet of Washington on the subject of the exercise of the right of protection as it is assured at the present time by the existing treaties. It would be agreeable to it to know if, as the report goes, the American delegates to the conference have really received instructions never to renounce this right, even if the representatives of all the other powers should be of a contrary opinion.
In the hope that your excellency, with your usual courtesy and benevolence, may be able to satisfy the desire of my Government, I thank you in advance for all the information you may deem proper to furnish me on the subject.
Be pleased, etc.,