No. 1080.
Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Constantinople, May 9, 1888.
(Received May 26.)
No. 77.]
Sir: As supplemental to my No. 69, of April 24
last, in respect to the re-opening of the Syrian schools, I have the honor
to inclose a copy of a dispatch, No. 114, of April 26 last, from Consul
Bissinger to the consul-general, whereby it appears that all of the
twenty-one schools of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed
Presbyterian Church, located in the mutessarifiate of Latakia, in the
vilayet of Beirut, have been re-opened, excepting one situated in Tartous,
which, it appears, can be re-opened as soon as the missionaries desire to do
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 77.]
Mr. Bissinger to
Mr. Stamatiades.
States Consulate, Beirut, April 26,
No. 114.]
Sir: Reverting to my No. 113 of the 23d
instant, and with further reference to the twenty-one schools of the
Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of the
United States of America, located in the mutessarifiate of Latakia in
the new Beirut vilayet, I have now the honor to inform you, upon the
statement of Mr. Henry Easson, the manager of these schools, that all of
them that it is considered expedient or desirable by the mission to
maintain, are quietly pursuing their studies, leaving but one more to be
re-opened, situated in Tartous, in the mutessarifiate of Tripoli, which
will doubtless be permitted to resume its usual course of studies at the
pleasure of the representatives of the above-cited mission.
This most satisfactory status of the mission schools in the Latakia
consular district will no doubt prove most acceptable intelligence to
our respected minister, for whose perusal I would respectfully request a
copy of this dispatch to be transmitted.
I am, etc.,