No. 1079.
Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard.
Constantinople, April 30, 1888. (Received May 15.)
Sir: Herewith I have the honor to inclose a copy, with translation, of a note verbale addressed to this legation by the Sublime Porte requesting me to direct our consul at Odessa not to oppose the sending of said Proios here, he having been demanded for extradition from Russia.
It is charged that said Proios, while in the employ of the sanitary office at Galata, had appropriated a considerable sum of money belonging to the taxes, and that he falsified the accounts (convaincu de faux en écritures). It will appear that it is claimed that said Proios is a Turkish subject; the records of our legation, however, show that said Proios is a naturalized American citizen. (See No. 68 of April 5, 1888, written by Mr. King during my absence.)
I have answered the Sublime Porte, stating that, as the said consul at Odessa was not in anywise under the jurisdiction of this legation, I had, with a view of expediting the matter, referred the same to the Secretary of State at Washington.
Should you decide to order our consul at Odessa to withdraw his opposition, permit me to suggest, if it be practicable, that such be done on condition that the Ottoman Government will agree to abide by the provisions of Article IV of the treaty of 1830, namely, that he be tried by the American consul, unless it can be shown that he is not a naturalized American citizen. This would avoid a very vexatious question under the disputed interpretation of said article of our treaty of 1830.
I have, etc.,