No. 1059.
Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Constantinople, January 5, 1888.
(Received January 25.)
No. 52.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
your instruction No. 58 of December 7, 1887, with inclosure, concerning a
report that the Russian Government is endeavoring to obtain an exclusive
concession at Cairo and other Egyptian ports for the erection of tanks for
petroleum. The result of the inquiries made at the Porte by Mr. Gargiulo,
the dragoman of the legation, is that the Porte know of no such proposed
[Page 1557]
concession; and that, should the
Egyptian Government intend giving such a concession, it is extremely
doubtful whether the Porte’s authority would be asked.
The minister of foreign affairs stated that if I would address a note to the
Porte, he would make it the basis of a communication to the Egyptian
I have accordingly sent a note verbale to the Porte,
of which the inclosed is a copy.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 52.]
The legation of the United
States to the Ministry of foreign
Constantinople, January 4,
The legation of the United States has the honor to bring to the notice of
the imperial ministry of foreign affairs that information has reached
the Department of State that efforts are being made on the part of the
Russian Government to obtain exclusive concession at Cairo and other
ports in Egypt for the erection of tanks for the storage of petroleum.
The Department of State has instructed the minister of the United States
respectfully to represent to the Imperial Government that as petroleum
is one of the chief products of export of the United States, the
granting of such an exclusive privilege would interfere with that
export, and with the business of American citizens in Egypt and in
Turkey, who are engaged in the importation and sale of American
Such information upon this subject as the imperial ministry of foreign
affairs may have the kindness to communicate to this legation would be
thankfully received, so that a report may be made to the Department of