No. 1058.
Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Constantinople, December 30, 1887.
(Received January 25, 1888.)
No. 49.]
Sir: I have the honor to make a report of the
status of the closed schools of the American missionaries in Syria and in
the vilayet of Adana. To the schools of the American missionaries I have
found it necessary to devote much time, care, and study since my arrival at
this post.
The dispatches of my predecessors, as well as the communications by the
representatives of the missionaries, have heretofore frequently advised the
Department of State that for the past few years the officials of the Empire
have grown more and more jealous of foreign influence, and that this is
constantly reflected in the tendency of the Government to restrict the
privileges of missionaries and to hinder them in the continuance of their
I have again and again brought to the attention of ministers of the Porte and
the Grand Vizier the fact that the thirty schools in Syria which were closed
by the authorities, mostly in the winter of 1885, should no longer be
restrained from performing their functions pursuant to the understanding had
between Mr. King, then chargé d’affaires ad interim,
and the minister of public instruction, whereby it was agreed that the
managers of said schools should submit to the local authorities for
examination the programmes of studies, the text-books, and the certificates
of the teachers, as reported by Mr. King, in his dispatch No. 276, of 11th
January, 1887.
On the 19th July last I arrived at a definite understanding with the Grand
Vizier, which resulted in his sending a telegram to the Vali of Syria,
instructing him that no obstacles be placed in the way of these schools upon
the managers complying with the conditions named; that it had been
definitely arranged between him and myself that upon the managers complying
with the requirements above set forth, these schools should be allowed to
resume their functions.
To my surprise, I learned by the dispatch of Consul-General Pringle, No. 37,
of September 9, that the managers of said schools had neglected to comply
with such requirements because of certain alleged irregularities in the
constitution of the examining board.
I inclose a copy of such portions of said dispatch as bear upon this question
for your information.
[Page 1554]
Thereupon the consul-general instructed Consul Bissinger, at Beirut, to
advise the managers to comply with the requirements and not stand on
technicalities, which would serve only to obstruct, delay, and defeat the
efforts of the legation in their behalf. From the last information received
from Consul Bissinger on this subject, under date of 15th November last, a
copy of which dispatch (No. 51) is inclosed, it will appear that the matter
is in fair progress. The fact as stated by Mr. Bissinger, that all the
teachers and pupils in the thirty closed schools are natives and Ottoman
subjects, complicates the situation very much.
If my efforts and those of our consul, Mr. Bissinger, are properly supported
by the managers of these schools, I have every hope that they will be
permitted to re-open, as I have the definite and distinct promise of the
Grand Vizier to that effect.
By a dispatch from Mr. Bissinger, of November 19, information is given that
the authorities in the Vilayet of Adana have closed three schools (under the
management of Dr. Metheny, the agent of the Board of Foreign Missions of the
Reformed Presbyterian Church, located respectively in Tarsus, Mersine, and
Adana) for the alleged reason of their not having been duly authorized,
although it appears that Dr. Metheny had complied with all the conditions on
his part. Upon receipt of this information I called upon the Grand Vizier
and requested that these schools be allowed to be re-opened at once; that
pending the question of the re-opening of the Syrian schools I considered
this new encroachment a violation of the assurances he had given me.
He accordingly sent a telegram to the governor-general of Adana directing the
re-opening of said schools and forbidding any interference by the local
authorities with American schools. I instructed the consul-general, Mr.
Pringle, to telegraph our consular agent, Dawson, at Mersine, advising him
of the instructions given by the Porte to the governor-general.
I also directed the consul-general to advise by telegraph our consul at
Beirut, instructing him to report by telegraph, to avoid delay, any
threatened action against the schools. The consul-general received reply
from Mr. Dawson dated Mersine, December 18, saying: “Vali has given
necessary orders accordance with telegram.” I have every confidence that
this prompt check by the Porte given to the governor-general will bring
about the immediate re-opening of these schools. I have found it of great
utility to advise the use of the telegraph by our consuls in all such
matters, thereby insuring prompt action.
In this connection 1 would suggest that, if it meet your approval, permission
be given me in my discretion to go to Syria, to Adana, and to such other
portions of the Empire as I may desire to visit, for the purpose of
thoroughly studying the situation and of conferring with our consuls. I
believe that a tour would have good results and would enable me better to
understand the conditions I have to contend against.
I should expect to defray my own expenses.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 49.]
Mr. Pringle to Mr.
Consulate-General of the United States,
Constantinople, September 9, 1887.
No. 37.]
Sir: I beg leave to inclose a copy of a
dispatch received from Mr. Bissinger on the subject of the Syrian
mission school question. It appears from the statement made
[Page 1555]
by Mr. Bissinger that up to
the date of his writing the managers of the schools had not complied
with the requirements of the school law, inasmuch as they had not
submitted the text-books, programmes of studies, etc.
In a conference with the Rev. Mr. Dwight, who is thoroughly posted on the
school question, he assured me that he saw no reason why the schools
should not be opened, as those in Stamboul and Scutari are all in
It is to be regretted that technicalities should be allowed to stand in
the way of accomplishing the object in view. Mr. Bissinger has been
informed by me that he has nothing to do with the formation of the
academical board, as he only communicates directly upon this matter with
the Vali. Were the question of the legality of the academical board to
be brought up it would result in the schools remaining closed
indefinitely, pending the discussion of the question. Mr. Bissinger
refers also to a dispatch, No. 8, of May 14, to me, in which he advises
that the school question be made an international one. I have informed
him that, in my opinion, this would be a very disastrous issue for the
schools, for reasons which I do not care to discuss with him.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No. 49.]
Mr. Bissinger to
Mr. Pringle.
States Consulate,
Beirut, November 15,
No. 51.]
Sir: In response to your No. 43 of the 2d
instant, I have the honor to bring to your notice, for the information
of the minister, that the formalities incumbent upon the American
missionaries under the agreement between the United States legation and
the Sublime Porte for the re-opening of their closed schools have, after
many delays, just been observed, as per copy of letter from Rev. Dr.
Henry H. Jessup, stated clerk of the Syria mission, in answer to one
from me, herewith transmitted, marked inclosure No. 1 (with an
It is deemed but just and proper that a reasonable time should be allowed
the Turkish authorities within which to examine, first, the text-books
in use in the mission schools; second, the programmes of studies; and,
third, the diplomas or certificates of teachers just placed into the
hands of his excellency the governor-general of Syria by the American
missionaries, in compliance with a request from the consulate, dated
August 11,1887, a copy of which is herewith inclosed (inclosure No. 2),
before issuing instructions to the responsible heads of the various
missions to resume their laudable work in their suppressed schools.
Simultaneously with this request to Dr. Henry H. Jessup, the stated
clerk of the Syria mission (of the Presbyterian Board for Foreign
Missions), identical instructions were also issued to Rev. Henry Easson,
the responsible head of the schools of the Board of Foreign Missions of
the Reformed Presbyterian Church of the United States of America,
located in the Latakia consular district, and these have likewise
recently been obeyed.
The precise status of all these mission schools forced to cease their
functions has been presented to your honored predecessor in an elaborate
statement accompanying dispatch No. 55, of September 4, 1886, to both of
which you will permit me to invite your attention.
In this connection it occurs to me that it would perhaps be wise to have
some understanding as to the steps or measures to be instituted by this
consulate should the closed schools, after being re-opened without
having secured the sanction of the local authorities, be prohibited
again from pursuing their studies—an event not without the realm of
possibilities, but one that is even quite probable.
My apprehensions of such a contingency are based upon the experience of
the past and upon the well-known adverseness of the Turkish authorities
to all foreign missionaries and their commendable work. The
disinclination overtly shown in the past by all the local authorities to
facilitate and promote the re-opening of our mission schools goes far to
prove this, and the studied indifference which his excellency the
governor-general of Syria has thought proper to exhibit towards two
communications from this consulate, copies of which are herewith
inclosed, marked respectively, inclosures 3 and 4, upon the subject of
mission schools, by replying to the former in an evasive manner, and
treating with absolute silence the other, might be cited in further
support of what precedes—all the more conspicuous by the fact that his
excellency the Vali has always manifested the most friendly spirit and
disposition in all matters disconnected with religion or education, has
shown a most commendable promptness in the expedition of all business
communications from this office, and given many proofs of his warm and
cordial friendship for the head of this consulate personally.
[Page 1556]
These two letters to the Vali, perused in connection with the numerous
and exhaustive dispatches which it has been necessary to address you and
your respected predecessor, will give a complete and comprehensive
history of the school question and fully demonstrate that the dilatory
proceedings of the Ottoman officials has occasioned the delay in placing
the text-books, the diplomas, and the programmes of studies in the hands
of the academical council.
I venture to give expression to my apprehensions, which are shared in and
supported by those who have devoted a life-time to mission work in
Turkey and whose opinions would therefore seem entitled to
consideration, that unless specific orders are issued from
Constantinople to the provincial governors, to permit our closed schools
to be reopened and allow those now peacefully following their vocation
to enjoy perfect future immunity, no action is likely to be taken by the
local authorities to restore to us the rights assured to us under the
recent agreement with the minister of public instruction.
And here it is perhaps well to remember that at the time of the closing
of the different mission schools many of the teachers were arrested and
threatened with imprisonment should they ever be found teaching again,
while parents were menaced with fine and imprisonment if they persisted
in continuing to send their children to the American schools.
It will be observed by a glance over tables I to V inclusive of the
statement transmitted with dispatch No. 55 of September 4, 1886, that
ail the teachers and pupils in the thirty closed schools are natives and
Ottoman subjects, and should, therefore, the academical council
procrastinate or finally entirely decline to sanction the diplomas or
certificates of the teachers (those of the schools in the Latakia
district have remained in possession of this council since last spring
unnoticed), and the local authorities carry out the threats above
referred to, it would make the re-opening of our schools and the
successful continuance of our mission work practically impossible.
The question then naturally presents itself, how are the American
missionaries to maintain their schools since they can not lawfully
compel the attendance of children of Ottoman subjects, and if the
buildings, the property of Ottoman subjects (see statement transmitted
with dispatch No. 55), in which these children are taught, may be
entered with perfect impunity for the purpose of arresting and harassing
the teachers.
It will be readily conceded that this question presents difficulties
involving grave responsibilities, which I did not deem judicious to
assume without conferring with my superiors and soliciting from them
such instructions for my future guidance as may be judged necessary
before issuing instructions to the different mission boards for the
re-opening of their closed schools with such strong probabilities in
favor of their being immediately closed again, and thus inviting upon
our Government and its representatives an embarrassing, complicated, and
unenviable position, which it is greatly to be desired should be
I have thought it proper to go into the subject at some length to enable
you and our honored minister to arrive at a just appreciation of all the
difficulties surrounding the question, and it is hoped that nothing
suggested or submitted in this or any of my previous dispatches upon
this subject may be construed as an intention on my part to encroach
upon the official prerogatives of my superiors. I am merely actuated by
an earnest and sincere desire to discharge conscientiously what I
conceive to be the obligations incumbent upon me in the maintenance of
our rights and privileges and the advancement and promotion of American
educational interests.
I am, etc.,