No. 1045.
Mr. Adee to Mr. Kloss.
Washington, September 16, 1887.
Sir: In your note of August 20 last you inclose a circular note from your Government, which points out the evils resulting from the non prepayment of correspondence exchanged between the Governments of the Postal Union and their diplomatic and consular agents in foreign countries, and propose that Switzerland and the United States shall reciprocally bind themselves by a declaration to order their diplomatic and consular agents residing abroad to always wholly prepay the correspondence they address their respective Governments.
I have the honor to state in reply that the subject has been examined by this Department and by the Postmaster-General, and from this examination it appears that the only franked mail matter passing free to and from the United States is the correspondence exchanged between the postal administrations of the states of the Postal Union, which is necessary for the execution of the treaty and in accordance with its provisions.
This Government employs, by special arrangements with certain countries, closed diplomatic pouches, which are conveyed at its expense outside of the mails.
All correspondence exchanged in the open mails between it and its diplomatic and consular officers abroad is always wholly prepaid by postage stamps, whether passing to or from the United States.
In view, therefore, of the fact that the course which the Swiss Government desires to make the subject of a reciprocal engagement is now pursued by the United States so far as the open mails are concerned, this Government does not consider it either necessary or advisable to enter into the arrangement suggested. I have the honor to beg that you will communicate to the Federal Council this reply to its proposition.
Accept, etc.,
Acting Secretary.